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Evaluating Library-Periods Can Give Us Readers Rather Than Doomscrollers: Tanay Kumar

Thanks to those governments around the world who emphasize on a ‘library-period’ and have even introduced it in their curriculum. Union and state, both governments in India, know about the importance of spending time in the library

Bulbul – Not the Bird Though – Rimli Bhattacharya

No point now in ranting about it. I duly acknowledge that my mashi (her pet name was Bulbul with a good name Shefali) had doused herself in fire and had committed suicide. I was ten, my cousin was four

Health of Statutory & Social Institutions Is Equally Crucial for India: Tanay Kumar

All said, the fine health of schools and colleges is indispensable, but the efficiency of other statutory, non-academic and social institutions is equally crucial

ITIHASAM True Story – Ryan Baidya

History by definition is the facts of a time, and the fact is always true (the way it happened). However, that truth is not always, decoded as it happened. Writers, historians, and contemporary pundits do their best to decode facts from the information and materials with the admixture of composite influences of economic, social, political, and individual beliefs.

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