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Education Post News (EPN) is a Joint initiative of Sat Sukrit Media Private Limited and Avigat Technologies and follows the code of ethics as mentioned below

Sat Sukrit Media Private Limited has proactively established a Code of Ethics to uphold responsible digital publishing practices while safeguarding fundamental constitutional freedoms, notably the right to freedom of expression. The Code underscores the Sat Sukrit Media Private Limited dedication to vigilantly monitoring and assessing any potential threats to the dissemination of news, current affairs, and other content.

This voluntary Code serves as a comprehensive framework delineating high standards, ethics, and practices within the realm of digital news publishing. Importantly, it emphasizes that the Sat Sukrit Media Private Limited does not seek to interfere with the day-to-day operations of its member publishers, who retain complete editorial and content independence.

At its core, the Code of Ethics is designed to achieve two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to elevate and maintain the standards of digital publishing, ensuring integrity, accuracy, and accountability in reporting and content creation. Secondly, it endeavors to preserve the autonomy and independence of journalists, content entities, and publishers, safeguarding their ability to operate without undue influence or coercion.

Through this Code, the Sat Sukrit Media Private Limited underscores its commitment to fostering a vibrant and responsible digital news ecosystem, one that upholds ethical principles while upholding the fundamental freedoms enshrined in the constitution. By adhering to these principles, member publishers demonstrate their dedication to serving the public interest and maintaining trust in the digital news landscape.

  1. Digital news websites operating in India are obligated to comply with a multitude of legal frameworks, including the Constitution of India, more than 30 media-related laws, pertinent provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), and the Information Technology Act of 2000, where applicable. Upholding these legal standards is paramount for ensuring lawful operation within the country.
  2. In addition to legal compliance, digital news platforms are committed to upholding the highest standards of journalistic ethics and professional conduct. This commitment is reflected in the stringent self-regulatory measures implemented across various levels within newsrooms. These measures encompass a range of codes and guidelines established by specific entities, as well as rigorous editorial processes overseen by journalists and editors.
  3. Accuracy, transparency, and fairness are fundamental tenets of journalistic practice observed by members of digital news platforms. Avoiding the dissemination of inaccurate, baseless, or distorted material is imperative, with pre-publication verification procedures deemed mandatory to ensure factual integrity. Moreover, members are expected to steer clear of defamation and adhere diligently to applicable laws and regulations governing media content production and dissemination. By adhering to these principles, digital news websites endeavor to maintain public trust, uphold journalistic integrity, and contribute positively to the media landscape in India.
  4. Right to respond

    • The principle of the right to respond is integral to ethical journalism standards practiced by digital news platforms. When publishing news reports or articles containing allegations against individuals or parties, efforts should be made to include their comments or versions of events. In cases where such comments are not initially obtained, any responses received subsequently should be incorporated into the coverage.
    • Furthermore, if there are significant developments in the news story, and the individual or party involved requests an update, it is imperative to accommodate such requests appropriately. Updates should be provided with clarity, and the date of the update should be prominently displayed within the published news item.
    • By adhering to these principles, digital news platforms demonstrate their commitment to fairness, accuracy, and transparency in reporting, thereby fostering trust and credibility among their audience.
  5. Correction, Deletion, or Editing:

    In cases where a news report or article is discovered to contain false or inaccurate information, digital news platforms are committed to taking appropriate action upon being approached by the affected individual or party. If the concerned person or party provides correct information, identifies themselves, and furnishes the necessary documents or evidence, the erroneous portion of the news report or article should be promptly edited or deleted.

    If the entirety of a news report is determined to contain false or inaccurate information, the responsible course of action is to delete the entire article. This ensures the integrity and credibility of the digital news platform, upholding standards of accuracy and reliability in journalism.

    By adhering to these measures, digital news platforms demonstrate their commitment to accountability and transparency, thereby maintaining the trust and confidence of their audience.

  6. Respect for Intellectual Property Rights:

    Digital news platforms are committed to upholding the principles of intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark protections. This entails respecting the rights of creators and owners of original works, such as text, photographs, diagrams, cartoons, and other content.

    When utilizing copyrighted material, digital news platforms must seek prior permission from the copyright holder and duly acknowledge their moral and ownership rights in the publication. If permission necessitates the payment of a fee or royalty, it is incumbent upon the platform to fulfill these obligations.

    Furthermore, the use of third-party trademarks and service marks is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained or such use falls within the parameters of fair use.

    In the event of any infringement of intellectual property rights, digital news platforms are responsive to requests for action. Upon receipt of necessary documentation, such as proof of ownership or infringement, the concerned content may be edited, deleted, or taken down as warranted to address the issue.

    By adhering to these guidelines, digital news platforms uphold ethical standards and demonstrate respect for the creative and proprietary rights of others, thereby fostering a culture of integrity and accountability in journalism.

  7. Reporting Sensational Matters and Crime:

    In the coverage of sensational matters and criminal cases, digital news platforms are tasked with upholding the presumption of innocence for all involved parties. It is imperative to refrain from making comments or speculating on evidence, witness conduct, or the behavior of the accused and victims. Reporting in such cases should be rooted in factual information and devoid of bias.

    Special attention must be paid when reporting on sensitive topics such as sexual harassment in the workplace, child abuse, rape, especially when involving minors, matrimonial disputes, riots, communal clashes, divorce and custody cases, and adoption matters. Care should be exercised to ensure that reporting is conducted with sensitivity, empathy, and respect for the privacy and dignity of those involved.

    Additionally, digital news platforms must adhere to the provisions outlined in Sections 67, 67A, and 67B of the Information Technology Act, 2000, where applicable. These sections stipulate penalties for the publication or transmission of obscene material, sexually explicit content, and depictions of children engaged in sexually explicit acts in electronic form.

    By adhering to these guidelines, digital news platforms uphold ethical standards and contribute to the responsible and respectful reporting of sensitive issues, thereby fostering trust and credibility with their audience.

  8. Grievance Redressal Mechanism:

    Members serving as intermediaries, as defined by the Information Technology Act, 2000, are committed to adhering to the outlined grievance redressal mechanism in accordance with the Act. They also acknowledge the associated liabilities and seek safe harbor protections provided under Section 79 of the IT Act 2000. Accordingly, they adhere to the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011.

    In compliance with these guidelines, members appoint a designated grievance officer, whose contact details are prominently displayed on the website. The appointed officer is responsible for responding within 36 hours upon receiving a complaint from an affected person and is further committed to resolving the grievance within one month from its receipt.

    By following these procedures, members aim to establish a robust and efficient grievance redressal mechanism, fostering transparency, accountability, and effective resolution of concerns raised by users or affected individuals.

  9. Training and Awareness Initiatives:

    Regular training and awareness programs are conducted for editorial staff to ensure a comprehensive understanding of existing laws, including the Constitution of India and over 30 media-related statutes such as the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, Copyright Act, and Right to Information Act, as well as pertinent provisions of the Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, civil and criminal defamation, intellectual property rights (IPR), Juvenile Justice Act, POCSO Act, and regulations related to reporting on sensitive issues like rape, molestation, workplace harassment, caste or gender-related crimes, and domestic violence.

    During these training sessions, it is emphasized that the publication of names and details leading to the identification of victims or perpetrators, especially juveniles or those in the workplace, is strictly prohibited. The use of photographs depicting victims, their residences, workplaces, etc., is also to be avoided.

    Special consideration and caution are required when reporting on matters related to communal or religious disputes or clashes. News items pertaining to such incidents should only be published after thorough fact verification, and they should be presented with due caution and restraint to foster an environment conducive to promoting communal harmony, amity, and peace.

    Furthermore, extra care is exercised in reporting on courts and judicial matters. Editorial staff is made aware of legislative privileges and the importance of accurate reporting of court hearings and judicial proceedings. The goal is to cover the perspectives of both the victim and the accused without making any comments thereon.

    Lastly, a commitment to respecting privacy, particularly for individuals not in public life, is reiterated, underscoring the ethical responsibility of the editorial staff in ensuring a balance between news reporting and protecting the privacy of individuals.

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