Dr Rajesh K Pillania, Professor, Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, explores how individuals drive progress, hinder growth, or simply follow along in their occupations.
Business schools in India also have strategy with ambitious vision and mission statements! It is a good thing to have strategy and have written vision and mission statements, says Rajesh K Pillania, Professor at Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.
Ryan Baidya, Ph.D., MBA, Takshila Foundation, San Jose, argues that India's Constitution, rooted in colonial frameworks, positions the state above the people, echoing colonial governance. He advocates re-imagining the Constitution to reflect India's indigenous values and sovereignty, as it was neither directly approved by the people nor fully aligned with democratic principles.
A healthy work culture is essential for reducing stress and promoting employees' mental health and well-being. Here are some signs that may indicate areas for improvement in your workplace culture.
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