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NEET UG 2024

National Education Policy 2020 – an appraisal: "Dr. R.K. Shivpuri Founder Director, Centre for Detector & Related Software Technology, University of Delhi."

The vision of National Education Policy is to transform India by building a fair, impartial and energetic knowledge society by providing high-quality education to all, hence making India a knowledge superpower.

Looming water crisis in India – Lessons from Israel: "Prof. M. J. Xavier Founding Director of IIM Ranchi Professor of Marketing and Business Analytics with LIBA, Chennai"

These kinds of rainfall shocks will affect farms, firms and families. Farms are the largest consumer of water in the world. Due to climate change we are experiencing declining yields in agriculture. The next major consumers are the firms.

WATER – A Crisis, Challenge, and Solutions: Dr. Kamal Kishore Sharma Fellow of IIMA Professor

Though India receives an average of 4,000 billion cubic meters of rain-water every year, only about half of it is added to India’s surface and groundwater bodies. The situation is further exacerbated by indiscriminate and unsustainable use leading to a huge pressure on scarce water resources.

Nudging Strategy for Water Management: "Dr. Rajesh K. Pillania Professor of Strategy, MDI, Gurgaon"

The 2018 edition of the UN World Water Development report stated that nearly 6 billion peoples will suffer from clean water scarcity by 2050. This is the result of increasing demand for water, reduction of water resources, and increasing pollution of water, driven by dramatic population and economic growth.

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