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India's Push for Security Council Reform: The G4 Model

India's active participation in the Intergovernmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform has garnered attention as it presented a comprehensive model representing the G4 nations at the United Nations. The G4 model proposes significant reforms aimed at addressing the current shortcomings of the Security Council and enhancing its legitimacy and effectiveness.

Deeksha Upadhyay 26 March 2024 12:13

India's Push for Security Council Reform: The G4 Model

The G4 model image

Key features of the G4 proposed model include

Addressing Under-representation: The model highlights the glaring under-representation and un-representation of key regions in the current composition of the Security Council, emphasizing the need to rectify this imbalance.

Membership Expansion: Advocating for an increase in the Security Council's membership from 15 to 25-26 members, the G4 model proposes adding 6 permanent members and 4 or 5 non-permanent members. This expansion aims to provide broader representation across various regions.

Flexible Veto Policy: Departing from the existing framework where only the five permanent members hold veto powers, the G4 model offers flexibility on the issue of veto. New permanent members would initially refrain from exercising the veto until a decision is reached during a review process, signaling a willingness to engage in constructive negotiations.

Democratic and Inclusive Election: The proposal underscores the importance of a democratic and inclusive election process by the UN General Assembly to decide which member states will occupy the new permanent seats, ensuring transparency and fairness in the selection process.

The G4, consisting of Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan, has been actively advocating for Security Council reform since its formation in 2004. India's presentation of the G4 model underscores its commitment to promoting meaningful reforms within the United Nations framework.

Step Forward

Promoting Engagement and Consensus Building

Facilitate inclusive dialogues and consultations among member states, with a specific focus on amplifying the voices of underrepresented regions such as Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Work towards seeking common ground and fostering consensus on the fundamental principles and objectives of Security Council reform, highlighting the critical aspects of representation, legitimacy, and effectiveness.

Amending the UN Charter

Encourage collaborative efforts and coordination among all stakeholders, including the five permanent members, to facilitate the ratification process for amending the UN Charter, ensuring that the revised Charter accurately reflects the current global dynamics and realities.

Addressing Veto Power

Explore viable avenues for reforming the utilization of veto power within the Security Council, considering proposals that strike a balance between the imperative for decisive action and the necessity for fairness and inclusivity.

Promote transparency and accountability in the exercise of veto power, ensuring that it remains aligned with the Council's overarching mandate to uphold international peace and security.

Enhancing Council Effectiveness

Strengthen the Council's ability to respond promptly and efficiently to emerging global challenges, spanning conflicts, humanitarian crises, and threats to international security.

Encourage closer cooperation and coordination with other UN entities, regional organizations, and pertinent stakeholders to harness their expertise and resources for bolstering peacekeeping and conflict resolution endeavors.


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