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Law Schools and Legal Profession: The Laboratories and the Instrument of Social Change

Human beings organise themselves in socio-political units. The nature of human society is such that there are bound to be differences, power struggle and competition to secure control of the limited resources.

Professional Education is The Gateway to Career Building: Dr. B. B. Das

There was a time when the scope for professional education was limited in our country. The choice was restricted to Engineering or Medical streams.

Managing People In Tough Times: Dr. Sandeep Sharma, Director – Marketing M.S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore

Involving people in addressing the difficulties of the future has multiple benefits. Sometimes involving all and sundry will not be appropriate or effective.

Industry 4.0: The New Challenge for B-School’s curriculum: "Harjeet Khanduja Vice President-HR, Reliance Jio"

Revolution is defined as a forcible overthrow of social order in favour of a new system. Industrial revolutions did something like. Each industrial revolution overthrew the earlier industrial practices for bringing in new, efficient ways of production.

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