In a new advancement in science, researchers have found that an automated; artificial intelligence (AI) screening system is capable of accurately discovering diabetic retinopathy 95.5 per cent of the times.
If you thought startups are all about technology, IITians are out to redefine that, smash taboos and create awareness around issues, like women hygiene, in their own innovative manner and ways. One of such efforts is a startup named ‘Sanfe’. Set up about a year ago by Archit Agarwal and Harry Sehrawat, both students of IIT-Delhi, it has touched the Rs 1 crore revenue mark as per their claims. On a trip to the mountains, one of their female friends contracted urinary tract infection after using a dirty public washroom. It pushed them on the path of thinking and they realized over 50 percent of Indian women face this kind of problem. They decided to develop a device, which could be affordable and also easy to use. And thus came the ‘Stand and pee’. Priced at Rs 10 apiece, the device has registered good online sales.
U.S. scientists have successfully built functional heart parts out of collagen using a 3D bioprinter, a breakthrough they say could one day create entire organs.
When 11-year-old Pallavi (name changed on request) was gifted a smartphone on her birthday in April this year, a big smile greeted her parents who decided to bid goodbye to the TV set three years ago hoping their daughter would spend more time with some creative stuff around.
Facebook has begun addressing sensational and misleading nutrition, health and fitness claims on its platform by lowering them in your News Feed. The social networking platform said has made two ranking updates to reduce posts with exaggerated or sensational health claims and posts attempting to sell products or services based on health-related claims. “For the first update, we consider if a post about health exaggerates or misleads — for example, making a sensational claim about a miracle cure,” Facebook said in a blog post late Tuesday.
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