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Technology Advancement Has ‘Democratized Learning Opportunities’

In an exclusive interview with Education Post, Dr Vijay D Patil, Chancellor & President, DY Patil Deemed University shares about his experience and his way of managing the institution and tells about the future of education in India.

Education Post 15 February 2024 05:51

Dr Vijay D Patil, Chancellor & President, DY Patil Deemed University

Dr Vijay D Patil, Chancellor & President, DY Patil Deemed University

At the offices of Education Post, you’ll often find us saying, “Education is everything, and everything is education.” And no one could exemplify this statement more than Dr. Vijay D. Patil, the Chancellor of the D Y Patil Deemed to be University, Navi Mumbai, which is named after his legendary father – Padmashree Dnyandeo Yashwantrao Patil, a former Indian politician who started from Kolhapur and rose to become the Governor of Bihar, West Bengal and Tripura. The visionary Dr. Vijay Patil is carrying the family legacy forward in his own way. The fervent entrepreneur, educationist extraordinaire, benevolent philanthropist, and avid sports enthusiast speaks to us at length about his parents and upbringing, the numerous accolades that have come his way, technology, healthcare, college placements, internships, jobs, sports, the importance of giving back to society and a lot more – basically, everything education.

Q. More often than not, families play a major role in the success of academicians. Please tell us a bit about your family and how they influenced you.

One does not decide where and in which family one will be born; who will be your mother or father. But I consider myself blessed and fortunate that God gave me parents like Padmashree Dr. DY Patil and Pusphpalata Patil, my mother, who has been an incredibly influential figure in my life and academic journey. Her unwavering support has played a pivotal role in shaping my success. From an early age, she instilled in me and my siblings the values of hard work, perseverance, and a passion for learning.

Her dedication to my education created a strong foundation for my academic pursuits. She always emphasized the importance of knowledge and urged me to explore various fields of study. Her belief in my abilities gave me the confidence to pursue challenging academic goals. She has instilled in all of us a “Never Say Die” attitude and has taught us that through perseverance and hard work, we can achieve success in everything we do. She has always been a benevolent soul. She has always taught us that we should always aim in life to share our knowledge with others.

Beyond academics, my mother taught me the importance of empathy, integrity, and a strong work ethic. These values have not only contributed to my success in the academic arena but have also shaped my overall character. In essence, my mother’s influence has been a guiding force, providing the support and inspiration necessary for all my achievements and life’s journey. I am grateful for her role in my life, as her encouragement propelled me forward in the right direction.

Q. You have always spoken of your admiration for your father, Dnyandeo Yashwantrao Patil, who went from being a Parshad in Kolhapur to the Governor of three Indian states. Did he ever urge you to step into politics? What are some traits of him that you admire the most?

I hold immense admiration for my father, whose life journey is truly inspiring. While my father never coerced me into stepping into politics, his influence on my life has been profound.

One of the traits I admire most about my father is his unwavering commitment to public service. His dedication to the welfare of the people and the betterment of society has been a guiding light for me. He has always emphasized the importance of using one’s position to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

My father’s ability to navigate the complexities of politics with integrity and grace has left a lasting impression on me.

His leadership style, marked by a genuine concern for the well-being of the community, has been a source of inspiration.

Moreover, my father’s resilience in the face of challenges and his ability to maintain humility despite his notable achievements are qualities I strive to emulate. His journey teaches me the significance of hard work, perseverance, and the impact an individual can have when driven by a sense of purpose. My father is my living God.

Q. Only two Indians have been honored with the prestigious Robert Stable Medal award from Australia’s Bond University – Neeti Mehta Shukla (2023) and yourself (2013). What exactly did you get this award for?

The recognition was bestowed upon me for my notable contributions to the advancement and innovation in India’s healthcare, education, and sports sectors, a field that holds profound significance in my professional journey.

My experience at Bond University provided me with a unique opportunity to witness the operational dynamics of an international private university. This first-hand exposure was a transformative learning experience, allowing me to glean insights into the seamless integration of education and sports within the university’s framework. The synergy between these two realms became a valuable lesson that I carried forward in my life and endeavours. My passion for sports, particularly cricket, found expression in the development of the DY Patil Sports Stadium in Navi Mumbai.

The Robert Stable Medal stands as a testament not only to my commitment to sports but also to my substantial contributions to the fields of healthcare and education. I have been actively involved in pioneering initiatives that have significantly advanced these sectors in India. From spearheading innovative healthcare programs, establishing a 1660- bed charity hospital to revolutionizing educational paradigms at the DY Patil University, my efforts are aimed at creating a lasting impact on the well-being and education of our society. This recognition, therefore, symbolizes the convergence of my passions and efforts across multiple domains.

The Robert Stable Medal served as a recognition not only of my individual efforts but also of the collective dedication and support from my family and the Bond University’s Faculty of Business. Their time and effort significantly enriched my educational experience and contributed to the success of initiatives in the sectors I am passionate about.

Upon receiving the award, I was deeply humbled and took the opportunity to express my gratitude to Bond University in a heartfelt message. In my communication, I underscored the pivotal role of education in shaping the future and emphasized the importance of fostering collaboration between academia and society. It was a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the collective effort and dedication of all those who played a role in advancing and innovating in the fields of healthcare, education, and sports.

Q. Studying management or pursuing an MBA after finishing an engineering course has emerged as a notable trend in 21st-century India. You completed your MBA in 1990. What are your thoughts on this academic pattern, and did you anticipate back then that this MBA-after-engineering trend would gain such prominence?

Upon completing my MBA in 1990, the trend of pursuing management education subsequent to engineering wasn’t as prevalent as it is today. Nevertheless, even then, there was a recognition of the value that blending technical and managerial skills could bring to one’s career. Over time, I’ve observed a growing acknowledgment of the significance of business acumen across diverse industries. While I might not have foreseen this specific trend, opting for an MBA has undeniably proved beneficial, equipping individuals with a comprehensive skill set to navigate the complexities of the professional realm.

Choosing to pursue an MBA after engineering offers the opportunity to diversify one’s skill set post a robust technical foundation. An MBA fosters skills in management, leadership, and business strategy, catering to the increasing demand for professionals wellversed in both technical and business domains. For aspiring entrepreneurs, the strategic perspective gained from an MBA aid in adapting to industry trends, technological advancements, and dynamic market shifts.

Moreover, the emphasis on networking and collaboration in today’s business world underscores the unique attributes of an MBA, enhancing one’s self-assurance. This education equips professionals to stay updated with industry developments, engage in lifelong learning, and remain pertinent in their careers.

Q. What are your perspectives on the changes observed in higher education over recent decades, both positive and negative?

On the positive side, the increasing accessibility of education through advancements in technology has democratized learning opportunities. Online courses, virtual classrooms, 24x7 CAFE, and digital resources have made education more inclusive, reaching a broader audience irrespective of geographical constraints.The New Education Policy (NEP 2020) has also opened many doors which were earlier unthinkable and offers a scope of all round and holistic development of a student’s life on campus.

Furthermore, there has been a paradigm shift in the pedagogical approach, with a growing emphasis on experiential and interdisciplinary learning. This change not only enhances the practical applicability of knowledge but also nurtures critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.

However, these positive changes come with challenges. The rapid pace of technological advancements has created a demand for continuous up skilling and adaptability, challenging traditional models of education. Moreover, the globalized nature of education has led to increased competition, both among institutions and students. While this competition can foster excellence, it also raises concerns about equity and the potential for educational disparities.

In navigating these changes, it is crucial for educational institutions to strike a balance, leveraging technology for innovation while maintaining a focus on the core principles of education. Emphasizing inclusivity, and a holistic approach to learning will be key in addressing the challenges posed by the evolving landscape of higher education.

Q. Your university has almost every core stream of education, from engineering to medical to management to hotel management to Ayurveda, and even sports and nutrition sciences. But courses in arts, commerce and humanities are notably fewer. Do you just want to focus on the existing courses or would the university start other streams as well?

While our university has indeed established a strong foundation in diverse fields such as Engineering, Medical Sciences, Management, Ayurveda, Sports, and Nutrition Sciences, Law, Architecture, and Pharmacy, we are committed to fostering a holistic and well-rounded educational environment. We consistently assess the needs of our student community and the evolving job market to ensure our program portfolio aligns with industry demands and societal needs. Recognizing the importance of arts and humanities in shaping well-rounded individuals, I am pleased to inform that we have expanded our academic offerings to include courses of creative studies, animation, mass media, foreign sciences, event management, public health and more.

The upcoming academic year will witness the introduction of new programs in humanities, liberal arts & creative studies, providing students with an opportunity to explore and excel in these vital disciplines. We have started programs in the University which are a great demand for today’s diverse education – like the School of Languages, Communication & Media Studies, Event Studies, Jewellery & Accessories Studies, Interior Design, Product Design, Fashion & Apparel Design, Yoga & Naturopathy, Public Policy, Environment Studies to name a few. Our goal is to create a comprehensive educational ecosystem that caters to a broad spectrum of interests and aspirations.

We believe that the inclusion of arts, humanities & creative studies will align with our vision of producing graduates who not only excel in their respective fields but also possess a deep understanding of the social, cultural, and economic dimensions that shape our world. This expansion reflects our commitment to providing a diverse and enriching educational experience for our students.

Q. The university’s Center of Excellence is a Platinum Leed-certified building by the Green Building Council. What efforts did you make to meet the standards of the Green Council?

The commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility has been a core focus for our university, as evidenced by the Platinum LEED certification awarded to our Center of Excellence by the US Green Building Council. Achieving this prestigious certification reflects our dedication to creating a campus that aligns with the highest standards of environmental efficiency and sustainability. Several key efforts were undertaken to ensure we met the stringent standards set by the Green Building Council. One notable initiative was the collaboration with the renowned British architectural firm, Foster & Partners, for the design and construction of our Center of Excellence. Their expertise in sustainable architecture played a pivotal role in integrating eco-friendly features into the building’s design.

Our approach extended beyond construction to encompass operational practices as well. We implemented energy-efficient systems, waste reduction strategies, and water conservation measures across our campuses including safe student resident. Additionally, the incorporation of renewable energy sources, further contributed to minimizing our environmental footprint. Educational programs and awareness campaigns were also instrumental in fostering a culture of sustainability among our students and faculty. By integrating environmental studies and sustainable practices into our curriculum, we aim to instil a sense of responsibility for the environment in the next generation of leaders

In essence, our journey towards LEED Platinum certification reflects a comprehensive commitment to sustainable practices in both design and operations. We believe that by setting and meeting these high standards, we not only contribute to a healthier environment but also inspire our academic community to be conscientious global citizens.

Q. How do students benefit from universities’ collaboration with organizations and other industries?

Collaborations between universities and industries are pivotal in shaping a robust educational experience for our students. These partnerships serve as a bridge between academia and the professional world, providing our students with invaluable insights and practical experiences.

Picture this as a strategic alliance, where academia meets the dynamic demands of the industry. Through these collaborations, our students not only gain exposure to current industry trends and technologies but also actively participate in real-world applications of their academic knowledge.

One of the key advantages lies in the handson learning opportunities these collaborations afford. Internships, and industry-sponsored projects allow students to apply theoretical concepts in practical settings, preparing them for the challenges of their chosen fields.

Moreover, the networking opportunities are immense. Our students have the privilege of connecting with industry professionals, gaining mentorship, and expanding their professional horizons. It’s more than just classroom education; it’s a holistic preparation for their future careers.

These partnerships also open doors to cutting-edge research opportunities. Collaborative research projects with industries not only contribute to advancements in various fields but also provide our students with a chance to actively participate in meaningful research endeavours.

In essence, these collaborations contribute significantly to our students’ employability. They graduate not only with a strong academic foundation but also with practical skills, industry connections, and a deep understanding of the professional landscape. It’s about creating a seamless transition from the educational realm to the professional world, and these collaborations are instrumental in achieving that.

Q. Today we are witnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used in almost every sector. In your view, is it time that students must consider studying computer engineering? 

In the contemporary landscape, the pervasive influence of AI across various sectors is undeniable. The integration of AI has revolutionized industries, driving innovation and efficiency. While the importance of AI expertise is on the rise, I believe that the decision to pursue computer engineering should be driven by a combination of individual interests, aptitudes, and the specific career goals of each student.

Undoubtedly, the demand for professionals with expertise in AI, machine learning, and computer engineering is escalating. These fields play a critical role in shaping the future of technology and innovation. However, it’s equally essential to recognize the interdisciplinary nature of AI applications. Students from diverse academic backgrounds, including but not limited to computer engineering, can contribute to the AI landscape. Collaborations between computer engineers, data scientists, ethicists, business analysts, and professionals from various domains are key to the holistic development and deployment of AI technologies.

Therefore, while computer engineering provides a solid foundation for understanding the technical intricacies of AI, it’s equally important for students from other disciplines to engage with AI concepts relevant to their fields. This interdisciplinary approach fosters a more comprehensive understanding of AI’s societal impact and ensures a diverse range of perspectives in its development and application.

In conclusion, while the study of computer engineering undoubtedly offers valuable insights into the core principles of AI, the broader adoption of AI calls for a collaborative effort from professionals across various disciplines. It’s an exciting era for technology, and the synergy of diverse skills and knowledge will be instrumental in harnessing the full potential of AI.

We are very proud to showcase our newly designed labs on the School of Engineering – the Robotics Lab, the Artificial Intelligence Lab, Cyber security Lab, Internet of Things, Apple Lab, Intel Unnati Lab, Machine Learning, Data Science, Fab Lab to name a few.

Q. Community Radio in college campuses plays a kind of amusing and informative role and your university has its own one: Dnyanvani 90.4FM. What’s your view in this regard? Could you share some interesting incidents relating to the radio station, if you can remember?

Community radio, exemplified by our very own Dnyanvani 90.4FM, holds a special place in our university’s vibrant ecosystem. It’s not just a broadcast station; it’s a voice that resonates with the pulse of our campus community, playing a dual role of both amusement and information.

Dnyanvani is more than just a frequency on the airwaves; it’s a platform for creativity, expression, and community engagement. The radio station serves as a dynamic bridge connecting students, faculty, and the local community, fostering a sense of unity and shared experiences.

Dnyanvani has been a platform for showcasing the talents of our students. From hosting talk shows on academic achievements to featuring musical performances and literary discussions, the radio station encapsulates the diversity and creativity thriving within our campus.

In essence, Dnyanvani 90.4FM is not just a frequency; it’s a dynamic entity that reflects the spirit and ethos of our university. It continues to be a source of amusement, information, and community cohesion, contributing significantly to the rich tapestry of our campus life.

Q. Today, entrepreneurship has become the name of the game. Everyone is talking about it. How does DY Patil University prepare students to become job providers instead of job seekers in future?

At DY Patil University, we recognize the evolving landscape of employment and the growing importance of entrepreneurship. Our commitment extends beyond producing job seekers; we aim to nurture a generation of job providers, individuals who are not just employees but creators of opportunities. To achieve this, we have implemented a multifaceted approach that empowers students with the skills, mindset, and resources necessary for entrepreneurship.

Firstly, our curriculum is designed to instil a strong foundation in business acumen and entrepreneurial principles. We offer specialized courses, workshops, and programs that focus on fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. Students are exposed to case studies, real-world challenges, and hands-on projects that encourage innovative thinking and problem-solving.

Practical exposure is key, and we provide ample opportunities for students to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Our incubation centers and start-up support programs offer a platform for students to develop and refine their business ideas. We encourage them to take risks, learn from failures, and iterate on their concepts.

Mentorship plays a pivotal role in our approach. We connect students with seasoned entrepreneurs, industry experts, and mentors who provide guidance, share experiences, and offer invaluable insights. Learning from those who have navigated the entrepreneurial journey is a powerful way to prepare our students for the challenges and nuances of establishing their ventures.

Furthermore, we foster a culture of innovation and creativity. Our research initiatives and collaborative projects provide students with the opportunity to explore and apply cutting-edge ideas. This exposure to innovation fuels an entrepreneurial spirit, encouraging students to think beyond traditional career paths.

Entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business; it’s about creating value and making a positive impact. Our emphasis on social entrepreneurship ensures that students understand the importance of businesses that contribute to societal well-being. We want our students to be not only economically successful but also socially responsible entrepreneurs.

DY Patil University is committed to equipping students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to become successful entrepreneurs. We believe that by fostering a culture of innovation, providing practical exposure, offering mentorship, and emphasizing social entrepreneurship, we empower our students to not just seek jobs but to create opportunities and make a lasting impact in the world. We, at the DY Patil University, organize a lot of events which has the participation of the students in different capacities as a support system to these events and this actually becomes a great learning experience for the students on campus.

Q. Should students start their businesses immediately after college or should they work for a while at some organization?

I believe the decision between starting a business immediately after college or gaining work experience by working for an organization is a nuanced one and largely depends on the individual’s goals, mindset, and the nature of the business they envision. Starting a business right after college can be a viable option for those with a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a well-thought-out business plan, and the ability to adapt quickly to the challenges of entrepreneurship. It offers a unique learning experience, allowing individuals to understand various facets of running a business firsthand.

On the other hand, gaining work experience at an organization first can provide valuable insights into industry practices, professional networks, and skill development. It offers a structured environment where individuals can hone specific skills, understand market dynamics, and build a financial foundation for future ventures. The decision might not be binary, and some individuals may opt for a hybrid approach — working for an organization to gain experience, industry exposure, and financial stability before eventually venturing into entrepreneurship.

In my opinion, a balanced approach that considers both gaining practical work experience and pursuing entrepreneurial endeavours can be beneficial. It allows individuals to build a strong foundation of skills, industry knowledge, and a professional network, which can be invaluable when navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship later on.

Ultimately, the choice should align with the individual’s personal and professional goals. The key is to continuously learn, adapt, and stay open to new opportunities, whether within an organization or through entrepreneurial ventures.

Q. Getting internships or handson practice for engineering and technical students is relatively easy compared to arts and humanities students. Does the university ensure that all students across all streams get internships?

At the DY Patil University, we are dedicated to ensuring that every student, regardless of their academic stream, has meaningful access to internship opportunities.

Our university, with over 40 years of history, boasts a strong alumni network that serves as a valuable resource for internship placements. Our alumni, who have excelled in diverse fields, actively engage with the university to create internship opportunities for current students. These alumni connect not only opens doors but also provide a mentorship network, enabling students to benefit from the experiences and insights of those who have walked similar paths.

In addition to our alumni network, our robust industry connections play a pivotal role. Through years of goodwill and our commitment to quality education, we have cultivated relationships with companies across various sectors. This ensures that internship opportunities are not only available but also aligned with the diverse interests and strengths of students across all academic streams.

To further prepare students for internships, our curriculum is designed to integrate practical components and industry-relevant projects. We believe in offering a well-rounded education that goes beyond textbooks. Our Training & Placement Cell at the University works proactively to identify and create internship opportunities, bridging the gap between academic learning and realworld application.

Moreover, we organize workshops, seminars, and networking events that provide students with the skills necessary for a successful internship experience. Mock interviews, resume-building sessions, and soft skills development programs are part of our holistic approach to grooming students for the professional world.

Our commitment to offering internships to all students is fortified by our alumni network, industry connections, and proactive career services. We believe that preparing students for internships is not just about securing opportunities but also about equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to excel in their chosen fields.

Q. What is your viewpoint on the culture of college placements?

The culture of college placements holds immense significance in the overall academic journey and future prospects of students. From my perspective, it’s a dynamic and vital component of higher education that contributes to both individual success and the reputation of the institution.

College placements serve as a practical playground where students can apply the skills and knowledge gained during their academic pursuits. It’s a crucial phase where theoretical concepts meet real-world challenges, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Placements facilitate a seamless integration between academic learning and industry requirements. It’s a reflection of how well our educational programs align with the dynamic needs of various industries, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the professional landscape.

The culture of college placements exposes students to a myriad of career possibilities. It empowers them to explore diverse industries, roles, and organizational cultures, allowing them to make informed decisions about their future career paths.

Beyond job placements, the process provides valuable networking opportunities. Interactions with industry professionals create avenues for mentorship, guidance, and future collaborations, contributing to the holistic development of students.

The culture of college placements encourages a commitment to continuous improvement. We actively seek feedback from both recruiters and students, aiming to enhance our placement processes, stay abreast of industry trends, and ensure that our graduates remain competitive.

Success in college placements is not just about securing jobs; it’s about the long-term employability and success of our graduates. High placement rates and positive feedback from employers are metrics that reflect the effectiveness of our educational programs.

Successful placements contribute significantly to the reputation of our institution. A strong track record of placing graduates in reputable companies enhances our credibility and attractiveness to prospective students and employers alike.

The culture of college placements emphasizes not only technical competence but also holistic development. Soft skills, emotional intelligence, and a strong work ethic are integral components that we aim to instil in our students to create well-rounded professionals.

The culture of college placements is a dynamic and evolving process that plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of our students and the standing of our institution. It’s a testament to our commitment to providing a well-rounded education that goes beyond the classroom and prepares students for the challenges and opportunities of the real world.

Q. How does your student get on campus Placements? What process do the university follow?

At DY Patil University, ensuring successful on-campus placements is a multi-faceted process that involves a strategic approach, industry collaborations, and dedicated support systems. As I mentioned, we are 4 decades in imparting quality education. Our Alumni are our greatest support now. Apart from this we have hackathon, Industrial Visits not only in India but also Internationally. This helps us to offer a valuable learning experience with scope of networking and collaboration.

We have a proactive placement cell that serves as a bridge between students and potential employers. The cell is committed to understanding industry trends, building relationships with recruiters, and organizing placement-related activities.

Establishing and nurturing strong relationships with a diverse range of industries is a priority. We collaborate with reputable companies to create a pipeline of opportunities for our students, ensuring that the placement process is aligned with industry needs.

Our university provides pre-placement training to equip students with essential skills for the job market. This includes workshops on resume building, interview preparation, and soft skills development, enhancing their overall employability.

We conduct career guidance programs that help students make informed decisions about their professional paths. These programs provide insights into various industries, roles, and career trajectories, empowering students to choose the right fit for their aspirations.

Regular networking events and job fairs are organized to connect students with potential employers. These platforms create opportunities for face-to-face interactions, allowing students to showcase their skills and explore diverse career possibilities.

Internships are integrated into our academic programs, providing students with practical experience and exposure to industry dynamics. Many of these internships serve as a pathway to on-campus placements, allowing students to transition seamlessly into full-time roles.

Our alumni network plays a crucial role in the placement process. Alumni often contribute by sharing insights, offering mentorship, and sometimes facilitating job opportunities within their respective organizations.

We maintain transparency in the placement process, keeping students informed about upcoming opportunities, recruitment procedures, and selection criteria. Clear communication ensures that students are well-prepared for each stage of the placement process.

We actively seek 360 degree feedback from both recruiters and students to continuously enhance our placement processes. This iterative approach ensures that our methods remain current, relevant, and responsive to the evolving demands of the job market.

Our approach to on-campus placements at DY Patil University involves a combination of proactive planning, industry engagement, skill development, and continuous improvement. We are dedicated to providing a supportive environment that maximizes opportunities for our students as they embark on their professional journeys.

Q. Constructing a superspecialty hospital of more than 1500 beds is something that makes a mark in social contribution. What are the other domains of social welfare you are working on or will in the future?

Constructing a super-specialty hospital with over 1500 beds is a significant milestone in our commitment to social contribution. Inspired by the invaluable teachings of my esteemed parents, our vision is rooted in their wisdom and values, guiding us toward achievements that extend beyond healthcare.

The NABH accredited 1660 bedded D Y Patil hospital and 158 bedded Ayurveda Hospital and the 428 chaired Dental Hospital is a testament to our dedication to providing excellent healthcare to the economically challenged at an affordable cost, prioritizing compassionate care for all.

Our commitment to social welfare expands beyond healthcare. The Dr. Vijay Patil Yojana, a healthcare scheme launched recently, has already benefited over 25,000 patients. Additionally, during the COVID-19 pandemic, our contributions were multifaceted. We treated over 50,000 patients, supported various municipalities and organizations, and played a crucial role in the frontline response. Notably, our hospital conducted more than 2,000 surgeries, ensuring that essential medical services continued despite the challenging circumstances.

To address the oxygen shortage during the pandemic, we took proactive measures. In addition to existing oxygen banks, we installed an oxygen generating plant, guaranteeing an uninterrupted supply of oxygen to patients. Furthermore, we distributed daily food packets to over 5,000 underprivileged individuals during the initial stages of the lockdown, addressing both healthcare and humanitarian needs.

Beyond healthcare, we recognize the transformative power of education as a public service. Shaping young minds is an integral part of our social contribution. By creating educational opportunities, we contribute to shaping the future of our country and nurturing the legends of the future generation.

In essence, our commitment to social welfare is comprehensive, extending across healthcare, education, and humanitarian initiatives. It reflects our dedication to creating a positive impact on society and aligns with the principles of service and compassion instilled by my parents.

Q. What is the operating procedure at DYPU for onboarding industries, as discussed in the January 2022 article ‘Land of Opportunity,’ written by you; it also advocated for colleges to adopt an industry-first approach in curriculum redesign?

Our approach to industry collaboration is deeply rooted in the philosophy of fostering meaningful partnerships and ensuring that our education system remains closely aligned with the ever-evolving needs of the industry. As discussed in the January 2022 article ‘Land of Opportunity,’ we champion the concept of an industryfirst approach in curriculum redesign, acknowledging the pivotal role industries play in shaping the future of education.

In practical terms, this involves actively seeking collaborations with leading industries, engaging in ongoing dialogues to understand their dynamic needs, and incorporating these insights into our curriculum. We’ve embraced a paradigm shift in curriculum design, ensuring that our academic programs are not only theoretically robust but also intricately connected to the pulse of the industry.

Internship and training programs are integral to this approach, providing our students with valuable real-world exposure. These experiences not only enhance their practical skills but also serve as a seamless transition into the professional realm. We firmly believe that learning doesn’t stop in the classroom; it extends into the workplaces where our students will eventually contribute.

To further solidify these connections, we establish industry advisory boards, comprising seasoned professionals and experts. Their role is crucial in guiding us in curriculum development, ensuring that our educational programs remain dynamic, relevant, and reflective of industry best practices.

Lastly, our commitment extends to comprehensive skill development initiatives via outer certification program with Harvard business School, Learning Management System, Tcs Ion, Stimulus Lab that go beyond traditional classroom boundaries. We strive to equip our students not only with theoretical knowledge but also with critical thinking abilities, a problem-solving mindset, and the practical skills demanded by industries.

In essence, at DY Patil University, our industry-first approach is not just a theoretical concept but a guiding principle that permeates throughout our institution. By fostering strong collaborations, embracing curriculum changes, and prioritizing practical experiences, we aim to contribute to making India a land of opportunity for education and a global destination for students seeking a holistic, industry-aligned academic experience.

Q. Which industry sectors has the university tied up with?

Our commitment to providing students with a holistic and industry-aligned education is reflected in our diverse network of collaborations across various industry sectors. We have forged meaningful ties with a spectrum of industries, ranging from information technology and healthcare to finance, engineering, and beyond. This all-encompassing approach ensures that our students are exposed to the multifaceted demands of the professional world.

Our partnerships extend to leading companies, organizations, and experts in each sector, fostering an environment where students can engage with realworld challenges and stay abreast of the latest developments. By collaborating with diverse industries, we not only broaden the horizons of our students but also ensure that our academic programs remain versatile and responsive to the dynamic needs of the job market.

Whether it’s through internships, collaborative projects, or industrysponsored initiatives, our students benefit from a rich tapestry of experiences that prepares them for success in any sector they choose to pursue. This comprehensive network underscores our commitment to offering an education that goes beyond textbooks, providing students with the skills, knowledge, and exposure needed to thrive in today’s interconnected and ever-evolving professional landscape.

Q. In the same article, you stated that existing educational institutions will be under pressure to fulfil the workforce requirement. Why do you think this?

In the evolving landscape of education and the rapidly growing economy, the assertion that existing educational institutions will face pressure to fulfil the workforce requirement is rooted in several key factors. Firstly, the burgeoning economic growth in India is creating an unprecedented demand for skilled manpower across various industries. As industries expand and diversify, there is a corresponding need for a workforce equipped with contemporary skills and knowledge.

Secondly, the projected valuation of the Indian education system reaching USD 225 billion by FY 2025, as mentioned in the article, indicates a significant upsurge in the scale and scope of the education sector. This growth, while promising for the overall development of the country, also puts additional demands on existing educational institutions to cater to a larger student population and deliver quality education.

Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancements and industry requirements necessitates a constant evolution of educational programs to stay relevant. This dynamic landscape puts pressure on educational institutions to continually update their curriculum, adopt innovative teaching methodologies, and ensure that students are not only well-versed in theory but also equipped with practical, industry-relevant skills.

The focus on an industry-first approach in curriculum redesign, as advocated in the article, further underscores the need for educational institutions to align closely with industry trends. This entails a paradigm shift in traditional teaching methods and the incorporation of real-world experiences, internships, and industry collaborations into the educational framework.

In summary, the increasing demand for a skilled workforce, the anticipated growth of the education sector, technological advancements, and the industry’s expectations for industry-ready graduates collectively contribute to the assertion that existing educational institutions will experience pressure to meet the expanding workforce requirements of a rapidly evolving and dynamic job market.

Q. Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) are indispensable in India’s higher education. Does your university ensure that its faculties are sent for their refresher courses, and other programs regularly?

Absolutely. Ensuring the continuous professional development of our faculty is a cornerstone of our commitment to providing high-quality education at DY Patil University. FDPs are indeed indispensable in the context of India’s higher education, and we recognize their pivotal role in keeping our educators abreast of the latest pedagogical methodologies, technological advancements, and industry trends.

We place a strong emphasis on regular faculty development initiatives. Our faculty members actively participate in refresher courses, training programs, workshops, and other professional development activities. These programs are designed to enhance their teaching skills, foster innovation in the classroom, and keep them informed about the evolving landscape of their respective fields.

We understand that an empowered faculty directly translates to enriched student experiences. By investing in the continuous learning and development of our educators, we not only uphold the standards of academic excellence but also ensure that our students receive education that is not only theoretically sound but also aligned with the latest industry practices and global standards.

Our faculty development initiatives encompass a broad spectrum of areas, including pedagogy, research methodologies, technology integration, and industry-oriented practices. By regularly sending our faculty for refresher courses and professional development programs, we create a vibrant academic environment that fosters a culture of lifelong learning and ensures that our faculty remains at the forefront of their respective disciplines. This, in turn, greatly contributes to the overall academic vibrancy and excellence at DY Patil University.

Q. Sports, particularly cricket, have been really close to your heart – you were also the recipient of the Maharashtra Gaurav award. In the future, do you have plans to contribute to athletics?

Certainly, sports, especially cricket, has a special place in my heart, and I am honored to have received the Maharashtra Gaurav award for my contributions. Looking ahead, our commitment to sports at DY Patil University extends to a comprehensive approach that goes beyond cricket.

DY Patil University boasts world-class sports facilities and a commitment to promoting a culture of physical fitness. Our sports initiatives encompass a wide range of disciplines, and we have strategic collaborations with esteemed institutions like the SRT10 Academy, the first cricket academy of Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar. Similarly, our association with the Prakash Padukone Badminton Academy further exemplifies our dedication to diverse sports. We aim to provide aspiring athletes with top-notch training facilities, expert coaching, and exposure to national and international competitions.

Our state-of-the-art infrastructure includes an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a modern gymnasium, basketball and tennis courts, football and volleyball grounds, and much more. These facilities are designed not only to nurture talent in specific sports but to provide a holistic environment for athletes across various disciplines. These facilities are designed not only to nurture talent in specific sports but to provide a holistic environment for athletes across various disciplines.

DY Patil University has been a proud host to numerous national and international sporting events, including cricket matches featuring global cricketing legends, football leagues, and high-profile badminton tournaments. The university has also been a venue for international concerts by renowned artists, enhancing the overall cultural and entertainment experience for our students and the community. We have hosted international sporting events like the FIFA under-17 world cup, FIFA women’s world cup, Women’s Asian Federation Cup (AFC), league matches of IPL, ISL, WPL, etc.

In essence, DY Patil University’s vision for sports encompasses a broad spectrum, ranging from cricket to badminton and beyond. Our world-class facilities, strategic collaborations, and the hosting of prestigious sporting and entertainment events reflect our commitment to fostering not only top-tier athletes but also a vibrant cultural environment for our students and the wider community. The future holds exciting possibilities for further contributions to the sports and entertainment landscape, aligning with our vision of holistic education and community development.

Q. What will be the frequency of sports and tournaments at DY Patil University campus?

The frequency of sports and tournaments is dynamic and vibrant, reflecting our commitment to fostering a culture of physical fitness, teamwork, and healthy competition. Our sports calendar is designed to provide students with ample opportunities throughout the year to engage in various sporting activities.

Each of the 18 schools on campus has its own dedicated sporting calendar, ensuring a continuous flow of sports events and tournaments across diverse disciplines. These intra-school competitions serve not only as platforms for showcasing talent but also as forums for building a strong sense of community and sportsmanship within each academic unit.

Furthermore, the university hosts an annual sporting event that brings together students from all schools under one umbrella. This flagship event is a culmination of the year’s sporting activities, featuring a range of competitions and tournaments in multiple sports. It serves as a grand celebration of athleticism, teamwork, and healthy competition, fostering a sense of unity and pride across the entire university community.

Importantly, many of our students, through these sports initiatives, have emerged as athletes playing at the district, state, national, and even international levels across various sports. Their achievements not only make us proud as an institution but also contribute significantly to the sporting legacy of our country.

In essence, the frequency of sports and tournaments at DY Patil University is a year-round affair, with a blend of intra-school competitions and the grand annual sporting event, ensuring that every student has ample opportunities to participate, compete, and excel in their chosen sports, with some even reaching the pinnacle of national and international recognition, bringing honor to the university and the nation.

Q. How do you envisage Indian higher education and its global strategic values in the future?

The future trajectory of Indian higher education holds immense promise and is poised to play a pivotal role on the global stage. Envisaging this future involves recognizing key trends and values that will likely shape its global strategic position. Indian higher education institutions are increasingly focusing on delivering high-quality education and fostering research excellence. A commitment to rigorous academic standards and cutting-edge research will elevate the global reputation of Indian universities.

The integration of technology in education is a transformative trend. Embracing digital platforms, online learning, and innovative teaching methodologies will not only enhance accessibility but also position Indian higher education as a global leader in technological integration. Strategic collaborations with international institutions, research organizations, and industry partners will become integral. These partnerships will facilitate knowledge exchange, joint research initiatives, and the development of globally relevant academic programs.

Indian higher education will continue to emphasize diversity and inclusivity. By welcoming students from various backgrounds and fostering a multicultural environment, institutions will contribute to a global community of learners, preparing students for an interconnected world. A focus on entrepreneurship and innovation will be central to India’s higher education narrative. Encouraging students to think creatively, fostering a spirit of innovation, and providing support for entrepreneurial endeavors will contribute to India’s standing as a hub for innovation.

The ability of Indian higher education to adapt swiftly to changing societal, economic, and technological needs will be crucial. Flexible and dynamic academic structures that respond to emerging trends will enhance the relevance of Indian education on the global stage. Increased global mobility of students and faculty, facilitated by exchange programs and collaborations, will contribute to a diverse and interconnected academic community. This mobility will enrich the learning experience and broaden the global perspective of Indian higher education.

Aligning academic programs with industry needs and emphasizing skill development will be a key value. Producing graduates with practical skills and a strong foundation in critical thinking will contribute to India’s workforce being globally competitive.

In the unfolding future of Indian higher education, the recently introduced NEP 2020 stands as a transformative force. Envisioned to revolutionize the existing education framework, the NEP brings forth a comprehensive and holistic approach. It emphasizes flexibility in curriculum design, encouraging multidisciplinary learning and the integration of vocational skills. The policy promotes a student-centric system, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Importantly, the NEP underscores the significance of research and innovation, aiming to position Indian higher education on the global map as a hub for cuttingedge discoveries and advancements. As institutions align their strategies with the principles laid out in the NEP, it becomes a guiding beacon for fostering a dynamic, inclusive, and globally relevant education ecosystem in India.

The future of Indian higher education envisions a landscape characterized by quality, innovation, global collaboration, and a commitment to addressing the evolving needs of society. By embracing these values, Indian higher education institutions can position themselves as influential players in the global knowledge ecosystem, contributing significantly to advancements in various fields.


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