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Learn By Doing: Base Of This Border School’s Pedagogy

Badal Singh, Principal of Delhi Public School in Bihar’s Lagma town, Singh outlines efforts to align with the National Education Policy 2020, integrate technology, and address social challenges in an interview with Education Post’s Prabhav Anand.

EPN Desk 06 May 2024 09:44

Badal Singh

Q. Could you share a personal experience or story that has profoundly influenced your approach to education and leadership?

My schooling is from one of the best institutions of the country – Sainik School Ghorakhal Nainital and I have always wanted to join the defense forces. But due to medical conditions I couldn’t make it. Initially, I was not interested in the field of education, I worked for Tata Motors as an engineer but gradually I felt that I am not doing justice with my life. I am always keen to help the young ones regarding their academics and studies. So, I thought why not to be involved completely in this field and then my journey in the education field started. I worked under few good leaders who nurtured me and today I am leading this institution

Q. How do you plan to implement the key initiatives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 to transform the educational landscape in Bihar and ensure quality education for all students?

In terms of education, Bihar is a state which requires great revolutionary steps to uplift. Implementing the key initiatives of the National Education Policy 2020. we have worked upon following steps:

Infrastructure Development: Investing in infrastructure developmentto ensure access to quality education for all students, including building schools, classrooms, libraries, and labs. I have schools teaching computers in schools without a computer lab which is purely unfair with the students. So necessary infrastructure must be available with the school.

Curriculum Development: Aligning the curriculum with the NEP 2020 guidelines, emphasizing holistic and multidisciplinary education, and integrating vocational training and skill development programs. We have hired a curriculum organization for that which provides the school desired curriculum as per proper lesson planning and resources kit to make the topic easy to understand.

Awareness and Training: We Conduct awareness programs and trainingsessions for teachers, administrators, and other stakeholders to familiarize them with the new policies and methodologies on a regular basis.

Teacher Training: Availability of good teachers is a big task in the region. If somebody has a good education they usually shift to the bigger cities for their livelihood. It's a big problem in the region. We provide comprehensive training to teachers to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement innovative teaching methods, including digital and experiential learning.

Community Engagement: Education is a process in which parents and school together work for the betterment of the students. We engage parents, local communities, and civil society organizations in the education process to foster a culture of support andaccountability.

Q. In today's digital age, technology plays a significant role in education. How has your school utilized technology to enhance teaching and learning experiences, particularly in a region like Bihar?

Like I mentioned, Delhi Public School Lagma has collaborated with a curriculum development organisation which made the school a Smart School. All the classes in the school are smart classes. We have highly developed Labs. We started coding last year as per the instructions in NEP 2020 from the class one itself. And in the coming year we will have a robotics Lab and AI also.

Our school has utilized technology by implementing digital learning platforms, such as educational apps and online resources, to supplement traditional teaching methods. Additionally, we've introduced interactive whiteboards and multimedia presentations to make lessons more engaging and accessible. Furthermore, we've leveraged technology for remote learning during times of crisis, ensuring continuous education despite physical limitations.

Q. Considering the social challenges prevalent in Bihar, what are some of the main social issues or problems that students in your school community face, and what measures have been taken to address these challenges?

In Bihar, students often face challenges such as inadequate access to quality education, poverty, gender inequality, caste discrimination, guidance for proper career options.

Our school is located in Sitamarhi district which is at the Nepal India border. The people in the district are less educated, financially inefficient. In their view education is only related to books. By establishing our school, we provide a high standard of education which is highly accessible by the parents. We have connectivity to long distances with the help of our transport facility. The students are taught by qualified teachers with proper use of technology.

In our school we focus on extracurricular activities which enables the students to face all kinds of challenges. The school pedagogy is completely based on LEARNING BY DOING which is very new for the area like Sitamarhi.

Q. Beyond academics and technology integration, what unique extracurricular activities or initiatives does your school offer to promote holistic development and well-being among students?

The school allows the students to participate in various inter class, inter house and inter school competitions. We allow our students to participate in CBSE Cluster Games held at different zones. We conduct different types of Olympiads, handwriting and colouring competitions in the school and the students perform outstandingly well in all the Olympiads and other competitions.

The school has a well-developed sports field for all the sports and games facilities. We have indoor as well as outdoor sports facilities for the students. For the betterment in the sports, the school has started a Sports Academy in the evening and in the morning for the students for different sports like cricket, football, basketball etc.


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