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Continuous Growth And Vision For Inclusive Education Solidified My Commitment To Educational Leadership

Gunjan Sahni, Principal, Seth Mr. Jaipuria School - Bansal Campus, Lucknow, talks about her leadership journey and the school's forward-looking initiatives during an interview with Education Post's Prabhav Anand.

EPN Desk10 May 2024 10:57

Gunjan Sahni, Principal of Sobtis Public School in Bareilly

Gunjan Sahni, Principal, Seth Mr. Jaipuria School - Bansal Campus, Lucknow, talks about her leadership journey and the school's forward-looking initiatives during an interview with Education Post's Prabhav Anand. Reflecting on her passion for education, Sahni discusses the school's adaptation to the National Education Policy 2020 while outlining her school's proactive approach to addressing social issues and shares a compelling example of student-led sustainability initiatives.

Q. What inspired you to pursue a career in school leadership and make a difference in the lives of students?

I was inspired to pursue a career in educational leadership by a combination of factors. Firstly, my deep-rooted passion for education and the transformative impact it can have on individuals and communities motivated me to contribute to this field. Additionally, having encountered inspirational mentors and educators throughout my life, I witnessed the difference effective leadership can make in shaping educational experiences. The opportunity to address challenges, promote social justice and equity, and create innovative learning environments further fuelled my desire to become an educational leader. Ultimately, the prospect of continuous personal and professional growth, coupled with a vision for inclusive and impactful education, solidified my commitment to pursuing a career in educational leadership.

Q. With the recent changes introduced by the National Education Policy 2020, how is your school adapting its curriculum and teaching methodologies to align with the policy's objectives and foster holistic learning experiences for students?

In response to the National Education Policy 2020's objectives, our school has been actively adapting its curriculum and teaching methodologies to foster holistic learning experiences for students. We have undergone a comprehensive curriculum restructuring process, focusing on integrating multidisciplinary learning, promoting critical thinking skills, and emphasising competency-based education. Our teachers have received extensive training and professional development to implement innovative teaching strategies that prioritise experiential learning, project-based assessments, and technology integration in the classroom. Additionally, we have strengthened our commitment to inclusive education by providing support systems and accommodations for students with diverse learning needs. Through ongoing collaboration with parents, community stakeholders, and educational experts, we are creating a dynamic learning environment that prepares students for success in the 21st century while aligning with the goals of the National Education Policy 2020.

Q. Technology continues to transform the educational landscape. How does your school leverage digital tools and platforms to enhance teaching and learning experiences for students and teachers?

At our school, we leverage a variety of digital tools and platforms to enhance teaching and learning experiences for both students and teachers. One key aspect is the integration of learning management systems (LMS) such as Google Classroom or Moodle, which serve as centralised platforms for organising course materials, assignments, and communication channels. Teachers use these platforms to share resources, deliver multimedia content, and facilitate online discussions and collaborations among students. Additionally, we embrace educational apps and software tailored to different subjects and learning styles, allowing for interactive lessons, simulations, and personalised learning pathways. Technology also plays a role in formative assessment through online quizzes, surveys, and data analytics tools that provide valuable insights into student progress and instructional effectiveness. Moreover, our school invests in professional development initiatives to ensure that teachers are proficient in leveraging digital tools effectively, empowering them to create engaging and innovative learning experiences that prepare students for the digital age.

Q. Addressing social issues such as bullying, mental health, and inclusivity is crucial for creating a positive school environment. What initiatives does your school undertake to promote a culture of respect, empathy, and acceptance among students and staff?

At our school, promoting a culture of respect, empathy, and acceptance is a top priority, and we have implemented several initiatives to address social issues such as bullying, mental health, and inclusivity. Firstly, we have comprehensive anti-bullying policies and programs in place, including awareness campaigns, counselling services, and peer support groups, to create a safe and supportive environment for all students. Additionally, we prioritise mental health and well-being through regular mindfulness activities, counselling sessions, and workshops on stress management and resilience-building. Our school also promotes inclusivity and diversity through inclusive curriculum design, cultural awareness events, and partnerships with community organisations that advocate for marginalised groups. Moreover, we foster open communication channels and provide training for staff members on conflict resolution, active listening, and promoting positive social interactions, ensuring that everyone in our school community feels valued, heard, and respected.

Q. Can you share an example of a student-led initiative or project at your school that has had a positive impact on the school community or beyond?

One inspiring example of a student-led initiative at our school that has had a significant impact on the community is the "Green Campus" project initiated by a group of environmentally conscious students. This project aimed to promote sustainability practices within our school and raise awareness about environmental issues among students, staff, and the broader community. The students organised various activities such as tree planting drives, waste reduction campaigns, and recycling initiatives, transforming our campus into a more eco-friendly and sustainable environment. They also conducted workshops and educational sessions on topics like climate change, renewable energy, and conservation, inspiring their peers to adopt greener habits both at school and at home. The "Green Campus" project not only contributed to a more environmentally conscious school community but also had a ripple effect beyond our campus, as students' families and local businesses became more engaged in sustainable practices, highlighting the positive influence of student-led initiatives in creating meaningful change.


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