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World Environment Day: Young climate activists taking charge to save our planet

While Greta Thunberg is one of the most prominent names in climate change activism, there are many other young activists across the globe who are leading the way on global climate action.

EPN Desk 05 June 2024 05:23

Young girls protesting for climate justice

The increasing impacts of climate change have garnered the attention of youth and they are taking the lead to bring change. The unprecedented climate crisis that the world currently faces, is in need of innovative technology, passionate activism and massive awareness and the young activists are doing a stellar job at that.

We all know Greta Thunberg. Born in 2003, Greta is a Swedish environmental activist who came to the forefront of the discussion of climate change very young. At the tender age of 8, she came across the issue of climate change and within few years she began her journey to adopt sustainable lifestyle by becoming vegan and refusing air travel. In 2018, she founded a movement known as Fridays for Future (also called School Strike for Climate). 

She inspired thousands of other students who now participate in the movement across the globe. She has also spoken on numerous world forums like World Economic Forum and at the European Parliament. She had also appeared at a UN climate event in September 2019. She made headlines for traveling to New York on an emissions-free yacht. Diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, Greta is on a journey to make a greater impact as she has urged lawmakers to address climate change issues.

Greta is just one such name. There are several other young activists who are advocating for measures to be taken to stop climate change. 

Licypriya Kangujam, who hails from India, started advocating for climate action at the age of six. She has addressed world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference and has given TEDx talks. She has also founded ‘The Child Movement’, which is a young global climate justice organization. The young activist has traveled to 32 countries to give speeches and raise support before even turning 10.

Another young climate activist comes from Mexico, a 19-year-old Maria Reyes, who has witnessed the impacts of climate change very closely. With Mexico having an acute water crisis, Maria is of the belief that the issue should not be seen in isolation but as part of the larger ecosystem. She is also a part of Fridays For Future (FFF) and Indigenous futures. Maria’s activism has also led to the exposure of companies like  Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), and has advocated for the phase-out of fossil fuels.

Nyombi Morris, a young 26-year-old Ugandan environmental activist, is making a significant change in his fight to for climate justice. Passionate about protecting the environment, Morris’s activism began after flooding had disrupted his life as his family lost the source of livelihood. He has been featured in BBC, CBC, CNN and more. Morris is also the C EO of a non-profit organization known as Earth Volunteers, UNOCHA Ambassador and CNN Environmentalist of Tomorrow. 

Another 26-year-old climate justice activist, Mitzi Jonelle Tan from Philippines has been actively speaking for climate action. She is the convener and international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action, Philippines (YACAP), The Fridays for Future (FFF). As her country was hit by two consecutive hurricanes in 2020, her organization extensively did relief and rehabilitation work.

These are just few names in the larger crowd of young activists who are fighting for climate justice and demanding action from their leaders. Despite their work, young activists also face intimidation and threats.

According to a 2021 report by Global Witness (an international non-profit organization) in 2020, 227 fatal attacks were done on climate activists, which was the most dangerous year on record for them. 

However, these threats do not deter them from taking forward the cause they feel most passionate about. Climate change is real and the youth have realized it.


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