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SHREYAS Scheme: Empowering marginalized students with quality education through new scholarships

The SHREYAS Scheme supports higher education for SCs and OBCs with significant investments. It offers scholarships for top Indian and international institutions, fellowships for Ph.D. studies, and free coaching for competitive exams. Since 2014, it has benefited tens of thousands of students, reflecting the government's commitment to enhancing educational opportunities and empowering marginalized communities. New Scholarship Schemes: The SHREYAS Scheme, aimed at bolstering higher education for marginalized groups, has delivered impactful results over the past decade. Launched for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs), this initiative has significantly advanced educational opportunities for these communities.

EPN Desk 25 July 2024 12:28

Shreyas Scheme

SHREYAS Scheme supports higher education for SCs and OBCs with significant investments.

Financial Investments and Beneficiaries

Since its inception in 2014, the SHREYAS Scheme for SCs has allocated ₹2,708.64 crore, benefiting 97,928 students. Similarly, the scheme for OBCs and Economically Backward Classes (EBCs) has invested ₹585.02 crore, assisting 38,011 beneficiaries. These investments reflect a solid commitment to enhancing educational accessibility and quality.

Focused Sub-Schemes

The SHREYAS Scheme is composed of several targeted sub-schemes designed to address various educational needs:

  • Top-Class Education for SCs: This sub-scheme offers scholarships for SC students to study at 266 prestigious institutions across India, including IITs, IIITs, IIMs, and AIIMS. This initiative ensures that students from SC backgrounds can access elite educational facilities.
  • National Overseas Scholarship for SCs: Annually, 125 SC students receive scholarships to pursue higher education at the top 500 QS-ranked universities abroad. This sub-scheme provides an international platform for students to gain global academic exposure.
  • National Fellowship for SCs: Each year, 2,000 fellowships are awarded to SC students for Ph.D. studies in India. This number is an addition to the existing reservation policy slots, reinforcing support for advanced research and academic excellence.
  • Free Coaching for SCs and OBCs: Implemented through empaneled Central Universities, this sub-scheme offers free coaching annually to 3,500 economically disadvantaged SC and OBC candidates. The goal is to prepare these students for competitive exams, secure employment in public and private sectors, or gain admission into top technical and professional institutions.

Minister's Update

Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, Shri Ramdas Athawale, recently shared these details in a Rajya Sabha statement, highlighting the scheme's substantial impact. The SHREYAS Scheme exemplifies the government's dedication to educational equity, offering marginalized communities robust academic and professional advancement support.

Impact and Future Directions

The SHREYAS Scheme has markedly improved access to quality education for SCs and OBCs, demonstrating tangible results in increasing higher education participation among these groups. With continued investment and targeted initiatives, the scheme will further enhance educational opportunities and contribute to India's more inclusive and equitable academic landscape.

Through these comprehensive efforts, SHREYAS addresses immediate educational needs and fosters long-term socio-economic advancement, paving the way for a more empowered and educated future generation.

(This article is a press release issued by India's Press Information Bureau)


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