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Drafting a Legally Binding and Enforceable Arbitration Agreement

Construction Contracts: Rising Importance Of Enforceable Arbitration Agreement

Deeksha Upadhyay 19 April 2024 06:08

Drafting a Legally Binding and Enforceable Arbitration Agreement

Rising Importance Of Enforceable Arbitration Agreement

The recent judgment of Lombardi Engineering Ltd v. Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd underscores the importance of ensuring that arbitration agreements align with the Constitution of India, specifically Article 14, to be enforceable. With large-scale infrastructure developments in India, construction contracts often rely on arbitration for dispute resolution. This necessitates crafting arbitration agreements that meet legal standards and ensure fairness. Here's a breakdown of key considerations:

Understanding Arbitration Agreements

An arbitration agreement is a contract wherein parties agree to resolve disputes through arbitration. It must comply with the Indian Contract Act, 1872, and the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (the Act).

Essential Components:

  • Scope of Arbitration: Clearly define the nature of disputes subject to arbitration. Specify any exceptions not covered by arbitration.
  • Parties to Arbitration: Parties bound by the arbitration agreement may extend beyond signatories. Consider including related group companies if contract performance involves them.
  • Appointment of Arbitrators: Ensure arbitrators are independent and impartial. Avoid clauses granting unilateral appointment authority, especially to one party. Recent legal precedents reinforce the requirement for unbiased arbitration panels.
  • Seat of Arbitration: Choose the arbitration's principal location (seat) and temporary hearing venues (venue) wisely. Recent Supreme Court rulings emphasize the exclusive jurisdiction of the seat's Civil Court.
  • Governing Law: Differentiate between substantive law governing the contract's performance and curial law governing arbitration procedures. Align these with the contract's jurisdiction and arbitration rules.

Recent Legal Precedents:

  • The Cox and Kings Ltd. Vs. SAP India Pvt. Ltd. & Ors case established principles for interpreting arbitration agreements. It emphasized substance over form and recognized arbitration agreements' existence even in informal communications.
  • Post-2015 amendments to the Act, arbitrators must be independent and impartial. Unilateral appointment rights are curtailed to ensure fairness.
  • The Indus Mobile Distribution Private Limited Vs. Datawind Innovations Private Limited case clarified the jurisdiction of Civil Courts based on the specified seat of arbitration.
  • The Bharat Aluminium Company vs. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service, Inc. and Ors case highlighted the distinction between substantive law governing contracts and curial law governing arbitration procedures.


Crafting a robust arbitration agreement requires meticulous attention to legal nuances and recent judicial interpretations. By incorporating essential components and aligning with legal standards, parties can enhance enforceability and fairness in arbitration proceedings. Keeping these considerations in mind during drafting can mitigate potential challenges to arbitration agreements and awards, ensuring smoother dispute resolution processes.



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