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Tesla may run on Indian roads in 2020: Elon Musk addresses to students of IIT-Madras

Tesla’s Elon Musk said he is planning to bring his company to India within a year. In a recent interaction with IIT Madras’ Avishkar Hyperloop Team, Musk said the launch would probably take place in a year’s time, the team said in a statement. Musk did not divulge any further details about the launch.

EPN Desk 27 July 2019 10:07

Elon Musk's Tesla plans to launch in India

Tesla CEO Elon Musk. (File photo: IANS)

Tesla’s Elon Musk said he is planning to bring his company to India within a year. In a recent interaction with IIT Madras’ Avishkar Hyperloop Team, Musk said the launch would probably take place in a year’s time, the team said in a statement. Musk did not divulge any further details about the launch.

Tesla, an American automotive and energy giant, has been looking to launch its vehicles in the Indian market for a few years now. In May, Musk had tweeted, “Would love to be in India. Some challenging government regulations, unfortunately. Deepak Ahuja, our CFO, is from India. Tesla will be there as soon as he believes we should.” Earlier, Musk had blamed the government’s policies for delaying his India dreams.

The Avishkar team has made strides as a debut finalist and was the only Asian team to qualify for the finals of SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition 2019, organized by SpaceX, an American aerospace manufacturer, and space transportation company. It was one of the top 21 teams out of 1600+ teams participating globally in this event.

In this competition, the final round (testing and evaluation of the actual prototype), took place at the SpaceX headquarters in California, US, on July 21, 2019. The team interacted with Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX and explained their ideas to him.

Avishkar Hyperloop is a student team from the Centre for Innovation (CFI) – IIT Madras, which is working on an indigenous design and development for building the first-ever self-propelled, completely autonomous Hyperloop Pod in India.


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