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NCW Chief Asserts India's Commitment to Women's Safety Amid Verbal Clash with US-Based Writer

NCW chief Rekha Sharma defends India's commitment to women's safety and criticizes a US-based writer for allegedly "defaming" the country following a gang-rape incident in Jharkhand

Prabhav Anand 04 March 2024 10:18

NCW chief Rekha Sharma

NCW chief Rekha Sharma

Rekha Sharma, the chief of the National Commission for Women (NCW), asserted on Monday that India takes the safety of women very seriously, as evidenced by the implementation of stringent laws over time. She made these remarks while criticizing US-based writer David Josef Volodzko for allegedly "defaming" the country in the wake of a gang-rape incident involving a Spanish woman in Jharkhand.

Volodzko had advised his female friends against traveling to India alone in a post on X platform, following the reported gang-rape of the Spanish tourist in Jharkhand's Dumka district. He also referred to several incidents of abuse and harassment, including a case of a woman being groped.

In response to Volodzko's post, Sharma questioned whether he had reported the incident to the police. She criticized him for writing only on social media and "defaming" the entire country. Volodzko retorted by pointing out that Sharma herself has faced criticism for failing to respond to complaints filed by women's rights groups over credible allegations of women being publicly stripped naked, beaten by mobs, and raped in public.

The exchange escalated, with Sharma stating that vilifying an entire country with a tweet is not only in poor taste but also unacceptable. She pointed out that data indicates that over six million tourists arrive in India every year, many of them single women, and they holiday safely as India takes the safety of women very seriously.

Sharma added that the NCW unequivocally condemns the incident in Dumka and had reached out to the victim within hours of the complaint being registered. She reiterated the importance of filing an FIR when a crime is committed so that perpetrators can be apprehended in time.

TMC Rajya Sabha MP-elect and journalist Sagarika Ghose also criticized Sharma, accusing the NCW chief of revealing the arrogance of power and a shocking lack of concern for women. In response, Sharma defended the NCW's actions, stating that they took immediate action when the Dumka incident came to light. She also mentioned that she personally spoke to the survivor and extended all necessary help.


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