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Everyone Has Hidden Talents, Education Just Unravels Them

Rajan Gautam, Principal at DAV, Faridabad, shares insights into his student-centered approach, emphasizing inclusivity and empowerment in an interview with Education Post.

EPN Desk18 May 2024 12:14

Rajan Gautam

With a profound journey that shapes his educational philosophy, Rajan Gautam, Principal at DAV, Faridabad, shares insights into his student-centered approach, emphasizing inclusivity and empowerment in an interview with Education Post’s Prabhav Anand. From aligning with the National Education Policy 2020 to leveraging technology for enhanced learning experiences, Gautam navigates the challenges of the digital age while addressing societal issues and prioritizing holistic development.

Q. Could you share a personal journey or experience that has shaped your educational leadership approach and philosophy?

As I stand before you today, entrusted with the responsibility of guiding this esteemed institution, I am reminded of a journey that has profoundly shaped my approach to educational leadership. It was during my early years as a teacher, faced with a classroom diverse in backgrounds and abilities, that I realized the transformative power of education.

Seeing how each one of them grew when given the right support made me realize something important: Education can change lives. It made me believe that everyone has hidden talents waiting to be discovered. So, I started focusing on creating a welcoming environment where every student felt valued and included. This conviction led me to embrace a student-centered philosophy, where fostering a nurturing environment and cultivating a culture of inclusivity became paramount.

Through this journey, I learned that true leadership extends beyond administrative tasks; it's about igniting a flame within each student, empowering them to chart their own path towards success. This journey taught me that being a leader isn't just about managing things; it's about helping students find their passion and reach their goals.

Q. How do you plan to incorporate the key principles and initiatives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 into the educational framework at your institution in Faridabad?

My strategy to integrate the key principles of the NEP 2020 into our educational framework will be centered on understanding, consultation, adaptation, training, infrastructure, and monitoring.

Firstly, it involves a deep understanding of NEP 2020's principles emphasizing foundational literacy, flexibility, and holistic development. This understanding will guide our consultations with stakeholders, including educators, administrators, parents, and students, ensuring alignment with local needs.

Adapting our curriculum to incorporate multidisciplinary learning, project-based approaches and assessment reforms, promoting critical thinking and creativity will be incorporated. Comprehensive teacher training programs focusing on equipping educators with the skills and knowledge to implement the new curriculum effectively will be held. We shall prioritize infrastructure development too.

This holistic approach aims to foster a conducive environment for learning, empowering students to thrive in the 21st century and enhancing the overall quality of education.

Q. In today's digital age, technology is integral to education. How has your institution embraced technological advancements to enhance teaching and learning experiences for students?

We are committed to providing our students with the best possible learning experience, and we believe that technology plays a crucial role in achieving this goal. We have implemented a number of initiatives to integrate technology into our classrooms and curriculum and these efforts have had a positive impact on student engagement, achievement, and overall satisfaction.

At our institution, we've fully embraced technological advancements to enhance teaching and learning experiences for our students. Our institution is committed to leveraging technology to enhance student learning. We have equipped classrooms with interactive whiteboards and encourage technology integration in the curriculum through educational apps and simulations.

We provide professional development for teachers on technology integration and offer accessibility tools to ensure all students benefit. We constantly explore new ways to utilize technology while maintaining a balance with traditional methods to create a well-rounded learning experience. Through various technological initiatives, we aim to create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that prepares our students for success in an increasingly digital world.

Q. Considering the societal context of Haryana, what are some prevalent social issues or challenges that students in your School may face, and what strategies are in place to address them?

Being a student is a unique and exciting time in a person's life. It is not only a time of exploration, learning, and growth, but also a time of various challenges. In the societal context of Haryana, these challenges come in many forms, such as academic, social, financial, and personal.

The students face various social challenges impacting their education and mental well-being, including academic pressure, social dynamics, financial constraints, and personal struggles. In addition to parents assigning household tasks to the children, another common issue is when parents prioritize social functions over their children's studies. This distracts students from their academic responsibilities.
To tackle this, our school conducts Parental Awareness Programs, emphasizing the importance of balancing household duties and academics. We promote Parent-Teacher Collaboration to address individual student needs and provide guidance on supporting academic progress without overwhelming tasks.
Time Management Skills training helps students balance their workload effectively. Additionally, we offer access to support services like Mentorship, afterschool programs and tutoring, fostering a collaborative approach between schools, parents, and communities to ensure students have the time and resources for academic success.

Q. Beyond academics and technology integration, what measures does your institution take to promote holistic development and well-being among students, faculty, and staff?

Beyond academics and technology integration, our institution places a strong emphasis on promoting holistic development and well-being among students, faculty, and staff. To achieve this, we have implemented various measures.

We focus on making sure that everyone—students, teachers, and staff—feels happy and supported. We have programs that help students understand their feelings and deal with challenges in a positive way. We also offer support for physical and mental health, like counseling services and fitness programs. We encourage everyone to participate in community service to learn and grow together.

Our teachers and staff also have opportunities to learn new skills and take care of themselves. We make sure everyone feels included and respected, and we have people available to help whenever needed. By taking care of each other's well-being, we create a positive and supportive environment where everyone can thrive.


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