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Advancements in computational fluid dynamics are revolutionizing aerospace engineering

Prof. Debasis Chakraborty, Head of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Mahindra University, Hyderabad

EPN Desk 30 August 2024 07:33

Image: Prof. Debasis Chakraborty

Image: Prof. Debasis Chakraborty

Prof. Debasis Chakraborty, Head of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Hyderabad’s Mahindra University talks to Education Post’s Prabhav Anand about the significance of integrating theoretical knowledge with practical applications in aerospace education. Prof. Chakraborty highlights the challenges of high-speed flows and combustion in missile design and the evolving role of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in aerospace engineering. “Understanding and predicting complex physicochemical processes in high-speed flows is crucial,” he noted.

Q. Given your experience with launch vehicles and missile design, what do you consider the most challenging aspect of working with high-speed flows and combustion?

As per my experience in launch vehicles and missile design, I find the most challenging aspect of working with highspeed flows and combustion is to understand the fundamental aspects of complex physicochemico process involved in theses flows and achieve capabilities to predict the flow features accurately in the design environment. Rocket and missile motions in the atmosphere encounters very high speed flows including hypersonic (vehicles moves more than five times speed of sound) which involve complex interactions of aerodynamics, structural and thermal problems simultaneously. Development of a numerical framework for the design optimization in theses extreme conditions is a formidable challenge.

Combustion is another challenging problem in aerospace propulsion design. Different physical and chemical processes are at play for solid and liquid propellants. Fluid flow and chemical kinetics interact very strongly in high speed flows and very little is known about the accurate modelling of turbulence chemistry interaction. Moreover, the interaction between fuel injection, mixing, ignition, and combustion in high-speed environments poses significant challenges for the aerospace propulsion designers. Any instability or inefficiency in combustion can lead to performance degradation or mission failure. Therefore, designing propulsion systems that can reliably operate under these conditions while maximizing thrust and efficiency is paramount.

Furthermore, integrating advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and experimental validation becomes crucial in predicting and optimizing flow dynamics and combustion processes. Continuous research and development efforts are essential to overcoming these challenges and pushing the boundaries of high-speed propulsion technology.

Q. With advancements in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), how do you see its role evolving in the future of aerospace engineering?

With advancements in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), its role in aerospace engineering is poised for significant evolution. The advent of powerful computers and advanced numerical algorithms has revolutionized aerodynamic and propulsion design globally. In India, aircraft, launch vehicle, and missile designers increasingly rely on CFD techniques to accurately predict aerodynamic and propulsion parameters during the design phase. While experimental testing remains essential, CFD has reduced dependency on such tests and emerged as a crucial tool in aerospace vehicle design.

Looking ahead, CFD is expected to further enhance its capabilities in simulating complex flow phenomena and optimizing designs with higher fidelity. This includes improving accuracy in predicting aerodynamic forces, heat transfer rates, combustion characteristics, and structural interactions. The ability to simulate and analyze these aspects in a virtual environment allows for iterative design improvements and faster development cycles.

Moreover, CFD’s role will likely expand into new frontiers such as hypersonic flight, space exploration, and unmanned aerial systems (UAS), where understanding and controlling fluid dynamics at extreme conditions is paramount. Continued advancements in CFD methodologies and computational power will undoubtedly shape the future of aerospace engineering, driving innovation and efficiency in vehicle design and performance optimization.

Q. How does Mahindra University integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications in your teaching, especially in courses like Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics?

Mahindra University integrates theoretical knowledge with practical applications seamlessly in courses like Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics, ensuring students receive a comprehensive education in Aerospace Engineering. The university leverages its conducive academic environment and faculty expertise, many of whom have substantial R&D backgrounds in leading aerospace organizations. Faculty members actively teach core subjects such as Aerodynamics, Propulsion, and Structures, vital to aerospace engineering, while the institution’s state-of-the-art computing facilities and experimental setups, including wind tunnels, enhance practical learning experiences.

Recognizing the growing demand and opportunities in aerospace engineering in India, Mahindra University will launch an undergraduate program in Aerospace Engineering starting in the fall of 2024. The curriculum has been meticulously designed in collaboration with experts from academia, research institutions, and the aerospace industry to meet industry standards and academic rigor. This initiative underscores the University’s commitment to preparing students with both theoretical insights and hands-on skills essential for thriving careers in aerospace engineering.

Q. What advice would you give to students aspiring to specialize in Aerospace Engineering, particularly in the areas of high-speed flows and propulsion?

For students aspiring to specialize in Aerospace Engineering, particularly in high-speed flows and propulsion, I would offer several key pieces of advice. Firstly, grasp the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics thoroughly, as these form the backbone of understanding high-speed flows and propulsion systems. Courses focusing on aerodynamics, compressible flow, combustion and propulsion systems will be crucial in building this foundational knowledge.

Secondly, develop strong skills in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and numerical methods. Given the increasing reliance on simulation and modeling in aerospace design, proficiency in CFD software and an understanding of numerical algorithms will be highly advantageous.

Additionally, seek practical experience through internships, projects, or research opportunities. Handson experience with wind tunnels, experimental setups, or real-world projects related to propulsion and highspeed aerodynamics will provide invaluable insights and skills.

And also stay updated with advancements in aerospace technology and research as well as follow industry trends, attend conferences, and engage with experts in the field to understand the latest developments and challenges.

Lastly, cultivate a strong network within the aerospace community. Networking with professionals, researchers, and alumni can open doors to internships, job opportunities, and collaborations that can further enhance your career prospects in aerospace engineering.

Q. What are the current trends and future directions in aerospace propulsion that students should be aware of?

Trends in the field of aerospace propulsion are dynamic and are evolving towards cleaner and more efficient systems. There is a notable shift towards hybrid-electric and all-electric propulsion technologies for aircraft. These advancements aim to significantly decrease emissions, enhance operational cost-effectiveness, and reduce noise levels during flights.

Moreover, emerging technologies like electric propulsion, along with developments in space tourism and satellite constellations, are poised to revolutionize the aerospace industry. These innovations promise to enable new missions, create commercial opportunities, and offer new services that were previously unimaginable. They also have the potential to democratize access to space, drive economic growth, and address global challenges such as climate change and bridging the digital divide.

For students aspiring to enter the field of aerospace propulsion, staying abreast of these trends and actively participating in related research and development will be crucial. Developing skills in electric propulsion systems, understanding the principles of hybrid technologies, and exploring applications in space tourism and satellite communications will position them at the forefront of the future aerospace industry.

Q. With the increasing importance of sustainable and efficient technologies, how is the field of Aerospace Engineering addressing these challenges, and what role do you see for emerging engineers in this context?

The field of Aerospace Engineering is actively addressing the challenges of sustainability and efficiency by focusing on the development of innovative technologies. There is a growing emphasis on sustainable aviation fuels, electric propulsion systems, and lightweight materials that reduce environmental impact without compromising performance. Aerospace engineers are at the forefront of these advancements, applying principles of aerodynamics, propulsion, and materials science to design greener and more efficient aircraft and spacecraft.

Emerging engineers play a crucial role in this context by bringing fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the table. They are tasked with integrating sustainable practices into aerospace design, manufacturing, and operations. For instance, they can contribute by researching and developing new propulsion technologies that minimize carbon emissions, optimizing aerodynamic designs for fuel efficiency, and exploring novel materials for lightweight structures.

Moreover, emerging engineers have the opportunity to influence policy and industry standards towards sustainability. By advocating for greener practices and technologies, they can contribute to a more environmentally responsible aerospace sector. Ultimately, their contributions will be instrumental in shaping the future of aerospace engineering towards sustainability and efficiency in the face of global challenges like climate change.


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