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Unlocking Potential: Nominate for the 2024 UNESCO ICM Prize

Call for Candidates: 2024 UNESCO International Centre of Martial Arts for Youth Development and Engagement

Deeksha Upadhyay 23 April 2024 10:50

Unlocking Potential: Nominate for the 2024 UNESCO ICM Prize

UNESCO has announced the opening of applications for the 2024 UNESCO ICM Prize

The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2024 UNESCO International Centre of Martial Arts (ICM) for Youth Development and Engagement. This prestigious initiative aims to recognize and celebrate individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to fostering positive social change through martial arts training activities.

The UNESCO ICM Prize seeks to honor those who have demonstrated a commitment to using martial arts as a tool for youth empowerment, community development, and intercultural dialogue. Through this award, UNESCO aims to highlight the transformative potential of martial arts in promoting peace, tolerance, and inclusion among young people worldwide.

Applications for the UNESCO ICM Prize are now open, and interested candidates are invited to submit their nominations by the deadline of 20th May, 2024. Nominations should be submitted through the online platform accessible at the following address: https://www.icmprize.org/eng/apply.

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are encouraged to support and nominate eligible candidates for the UNESCO ICM Prize. To facilitate the nomination process, HEIs are requested to forward the applications to the Indian National Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO (INCCU) by 30th April, 2024. This will allow INCCU to screen and endorse the most deserving applications before forwarding them to UNESCO by the specified deadline.

For further assistance and inquiries regarding the nomination process, interested parties may contact the designated nodal person at INCCU.

Join us in recognizing and celebrating the remarkable individuals and organizations who are harnessing the power of martial arts to empower youth, promote social cohesion, and build a more peaceful and inclusive world.


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