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UN General Assembly Adopts Historic Resolution on Safe and Trustworthy AI Usage

Landmark Decision Signals Milestone in Global Governance and Sustainable Development

Deeksha Upadhyay 31 March 2024 04:42

UN General Assembly Adopts Historic Resolution on Safe and Trustworthy AI Usage

United Nations General Assembly image

In a groundbreaking move, the United Nations General Assembly has passed a landmark resolution focused on promoting the safe, secure, and trustworthy use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. This historic adoption marks the first time the Assembly has addressed regulation in the rapidly evolving field of AI, underscoring its commitment to shaping global governance in the digital age and advancing the goals of sustainable development.

The resolution acknowledges AI's transformative potential in accelerating progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and emphasizes the need for cooperation among states, private sectors, civil society, and other stakeholders to develop regulatory frameworks and governance approaches for the responsible and ethical use of AI technologies.

Furthermore, the Assembly highlights the importance of bridging the digital divide by advocating for inclusive access to AI technologies for developing countries. It calls for efforts to enhance digital literacy and ensure that technological advancements benefit everyone equitably, thus addressing concerns of widening inequality in the digital era.

While General Assembly resolutions are not legally binding, they serve as crucial indicators of global opinion and pave the way for concerted international action. The adoption of this resolution signals a significant milestone in global governance, setting the stage for collaborative efforts to harness the potential of AI while safeguarding against its potential risks and ensuring a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.


The UN General Assembly's adoption of a resolution on safe and trustworthy AI usage represents a historic step towards addressing the challenges and opportunities posed by the rapid advancement of AI technologies. By recognizing AI's potential to drive progress towards sustainable development goals and calling for cooperative efforts to regulate its use responsibly, the resolution sets a precedent for international collaboration in shaping the future of AI governance. As stakeholders work together to develop inclusive and ethical frameworks for AI usage, the resolution heralds a new era of global governance in the digital age, guided by principles of fairness, transparency, and equity.


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