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RBI Set to Reevaluate Liquidity Coverage Ratio Amid Global Banking Concerns

RBI to Reevaluate Liquidity Coverage Ratio Amid Global Banking Concerns: Addressing Emergent Risks in Digital Banking Landscape

Deeksha Upadhyay 10 April 2024 05:17

RBI Set to Reevaluate Liquidity Coverage Ratio Amid Global Banking Concerns

RBI Set to Reevaluate Liquidity Coverage Ratio Amid Global Banking Concerns

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is poised to reassess the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) framework to bolster liquidity risk management in banks, spurred by recent incidents in global financial hubs like Silicon Valley and Signature Bank in the US. These incidents showcased the potential for rapid fund withdrawals via digital banking channels during periods of stress, prompting RBI Governor to emphasize the need for a review.

Understanding Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)

Introduced as part of Basel III reforms post the 2008 global financial crisis, LCR serves as a pivotal metric measuring the proportion of high-quality liquid assets (HQLA) held by financial institutions. Mandating banks to maintain a stock of HQLA equivalent to covering 30 days' net outflow during stressed conditions, with a minimum LCR of 100% since January 1st, 2019, the framework encompasses various assets like cash, short-term bonds, and excess Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) holdings.

While LCR acts as a safeguard during financial turmoil, ensuring banks' resilience, it's not without limitations. The framework's conservative nature may prompt banks to hold more cash, potentially curtailing lending activities and hampering economic growth.

Current Status and Way Forward

Scheduled Commercial Banks currently maintain a robust LCR of 131.4%, significantly surpassing the mandated minimum. However, RBI's forthcoming review underscores the need for proactive measures to address emerging risks, aligning the framework with evolving digital banking landscapes.

As RBI gears up to recalibrate the LCR framework, striking a balance between liquidity resilience and economic dynamism will be paramount. Collaborative efforts between regulatory authorities and financial institutions are crucial in navigating these complexities, ensuring a resilient banking ecosystem amidst evolving global challenges.

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