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NIEPA Launches NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme: Empowering Educators for Holistic Education

NIEPA Introduces NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme: Cultivating Holistic Education for Educators' Empowerment

Deeksha Upadhyay 16 April 2024 06:35

NIEPA Launches NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme: Empowering Educators for Holistic Education

NIEPA Introduces NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme

The National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) has been designated as one of the MM-TTCs (Master Trainers' Training Centres) to spearhead the implementation of a transformative initiative aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. Under this mandate, NIEPA introduces the NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme, aimed at enhancing the quality of education and fostering excellence in teaching.

Scheduled from October 2023 to September 2024, this comprehensive programme will consist of twenty-four online sessions, each addressing key themes outlined in the NEP. With a focus on faculty development, the initiative endeavors to equip educators with innovative pedagogical methods, interdisciplinary knowledge, and essential skills for effective teaching and leadership.

The objectives of the programme are multifaceted, ranging from improving pedagogical practices to nurturing a culture of ethical values and multidisciplinary learning. Through workshops, interactive sessions, and assessments, participants will gain insights into holistic education, Indian knowledge systems, academic leadership, and more, fostering a conducive environment for continuous professional development.

Aligned with the ethos of the NEP 2020, the programme aims to cultivate critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and ICT proficiency among educators and learners. By integrating real-life applications and promoting research-driven approaches, it seeks to empower educators to meet the evolving needs of the education landscape.

The NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme, scheduled from April 1st to April 10th, 2024, will adopt a structured approach comprising live online sessions, group activities, and assessments. Participants will engage in discussions, share best practices, and collaborate on projects aimed at promoting inclusive education and fostering a culture of innovation.

As India embarks on a transformative journey in education, initiatives like the NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme play a pivotal role in equipping educators with the tools and knowledge needed to shape the future of learning. With a focus on excellence, inclusivity, and holistic development, NIEPA's initiative heralds a new era in educational empowerment and nation-building.


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