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India's Internet Shutdown Conundrum: Trends, Arguments, and Concerns

For five consecutive years, India has ranked at the top of the global list for imposing internet shutdowns, accounting for approximately 60% of all blackouts worldwide between 2016 and 2022.

Deeksha Upadhyay 04 April 2024 04:53

India's Internet Shutdown Conundrum: Trends, Arguments, and Concerns

Internet Shutdown Stories

Key Trends of Internet Shutdown in India

  • Instances of Shutdowns: Between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2023, the Indian government imposed a staggering total of 780 shutdowns, with significant spikes during events such as protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019 and the abrogation of Article 370 in the same year. In 2023 alone, India witnessed internet shutdowns totaling over 7,000 hours.
  • Regional Disparities: Jammu and Kashmir experienced the highest number of shutdowns, with 433 incidents recorded over the past 12 years. Notably, the longest blackout occurred in Manipur from May to December 2023, amid ethnic clashes.
  • Content Censorship: Over 55,000 websites were blocked between 2015 and 2022, predominantly under Section 69A of the IT Act, with URLs often blocked due to associations with organizations banned under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act.

Provisions Related to Internet Shutdown

  • Indian Telegraph Act: Section 5(2) of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, empowers authorities to suspend internet services in case of public emergency or safety concerns. However, the law lacks clarity on defining emergencies, and indefinite shutdowns have been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
  • Code of Criminal Procedure: Section 144 grants district magistrates the authority to issue orders to prevent public disturbances, including suspending internet services in specific areas for a designated period.

Arguments Regarding Internet Shutdown

  • Preventing Hate Speech and Misinformation: Shutdowns are often justified as measures to curb the spread of hate speech and fake news that could incite violence.
  • Preventing Anti-National Activities: Authorities argue that internet shutdowns are necessary to prevent the organization and mobilization of protests that threaten public order and security.
  • Protecting National Security: Shutdowns are employed to safeguard national security interests and mitigate external threats and cyberattacks.
  • Curb on Objectionable Content: Internet restrictions aim to control the distribution and consumption of offensive or harmful content, preserving societal harmony.

Concerns Related to Internet Shutdown

  • Violation of Rights: Shutdowns violate fundamental rights to freedom of speech and expression, right to information, and right to internet access, as recognized by the Supreme Court.
  • Lack of Accountability: Shutdowns are often implemented without clear legal frameworks or oversight mechanisms, leading to arbitrary restrictions and abuse of power.
  • Economic Disruption: Beyond social and political implications, internet shutdowns disrupt online commerce, communication, and financial transactions, resulting in significant economic losses.
  • Social Disruption: Shutdowns hinder access to vital services, impede communication networks, and isolate individuals from their communities, undermining social cohesion.

Way Forward

  • Follow Supreme Court guidelines, limiting shutdowns to temporary durations and subjecting them to judicial review.
  • Strengthen legal and regulatory frameworks governing internet shutdowns, ensuring compliance with international human rights standards.
  • Amend outdated laws like the Telegraph Act to align with constitutional principles and human rights standards.
  • Explore less intrusive measures to address disturbances, such as targeted content blocking or increased security presence.
  • By prioritizing fundamental rights, transparency, and accountability, India can navigate the delicate balance between security imperatives and safeguarding democratic values in the digital age.

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