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Law Schools and Legal Profession: The Laboratories and the Instrument of Social Change

Human beings organise themselves in socio-political units. The nature of human society is such that there are bound to be differences, power struggle and competition to secure control of the limited resources.

Education Post 07 January 2020 05:35

Law Schools and Legal Profession: The Laboratories and the Instrument of Social Change

Law as a career choice has many benefits for prospective students. Study of law has an intrinsic value because the knowledge of the law is empowering and helps the student to look at the world through a whole new perspective. Apart from this, the education acquired at law school can be put to use in virtually every aspect of life and opens the door to an array of career choices. Some of these career choices include the traditional ones like practising in the courts of law as an advocate, working at an organisation/law firm/NGO, and judicial services to other less pursued options like policy research, media and publication, social work, etc.

Human beings organise themselves in socio-political units. The nature of human society is such that there are bound to be differences, power struggle and competition to secure control of the limited resources. The very existence of a political society gives rise to the idea of law and advocacy. Law provides a framework for balancing of various social interests to maintain harmony in the human society. Advocacy means speaking out for the needy and educating others by using the tools of knowledge, intellect, and communication. Perhaps the most important form of advocacy is the legal profession. Law would be rendered meaningless without the legal profession. That is why the legal profession is considered a noble profession. A lawyer operating at a professional level requires a wide variety of skills and competencies like communication, attention to detail, analytical ability, logical reasoning, research, and sound judgment. These skills enable lawyers to engage with complex social issues. This is where law schools come into the picture. Law schools provide the basic foundation to shape the legal profession. The aim of legal education is not just to impart information, but to prepare change makers who can point the right way towards the development of human society. For this, we need professionals who know the origin and foundations of legal rules and have the ability to pay attention and draw insights from other disciplines. In order to achieve that end, we would require free thinking individuals with a humanistic perspective. Law being a discipline which has a constant inter-play with other disciplines is not confined to one aspect of human life. It deals with all the aspects of social, political, economic and cultural development. Legal education plays an important role in promoting the above aspects and ensures a rule of law in society. Law professionals are characterized as social engineers who are always at the forefront of a conscious and transformative social change.

KLE Society’s Law College, Bengaluru, established in 1975, has become a household name for quality legal education. It provides an exceptionally enriching curriculum and a rewarding academic environment to empower the students as individuals and equip them with the skills required to excel in the legal profession. Through the diverse range of courses offered, the Institution has been successful in imparting quality legal education to the students by molding them into individuals capable of successfully facing the challenges encountered by them in their legal profession. The curriculum is delivered with the use of innovative teaching methods, allowing for a unique learning experience in class. Emphasis is also laid on clinical methods like moot courts and client counselling. The supplementary enrichment programmes play a significant role in creating the holistic curriculum and holistic development of the students. The programmes aim at sensitizing students on cross-cutting issues relevant to the current pressing concerns both nationally and internationally such as gender, environment and sustainability, human values and professional ethics, development of creative and divergent competencies. K.L.E. Law College also boasts a truly diverse community of students and staff. This diversity allows for a rich learning environment. At K.L.E., the students study and explore the frontiers of law in light of the increasing transformation of the international legal order. The College has earned a good reputation for the quality of its academic programmes, a fact reflected in it being consistently ranked among the top law colleges in India. The spirit of innovation in always looking for new and creative ways to teach has resulted in its remarkable legacy.

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