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Need of Exceptional Educational Leadership!: Dr. Shahid Amin Trali Assistant Professor School of Management, ITM University

New Education Policy 2020 rightly has emphasized the importance of online education. But the Indian Education system is not fully ready yet for this transformation

Education Post 01 June 2021 04:52

Need of Exceptional Educational Leadership!: Dr. Shahid Amin Trali Assistant Professor School of Management, ITM University

Most of the educational institutions today are trying to go in a state of hurry using online systems. It can easily put both the teachers and the students under high risk of losing their health. We must not forget that increased use of gadgets and exposure to screens can result in some serious health problems. It is the good health and happiness that will matter most to be more productive.

The educational institutions came forward last year appreciably with the idea of online classes. The digital mode of education became the centre-stage to fill the void left by classroom teaching. However, there is no denying that this online facility could not be availed by a major section of students because of problems like shortage of money in the household to purchase the gadgets, poor quality of internet access and lack of availability of power etc.  The students in rural areas in particular were the major hit and the situation has not improved even today when already more than one year has passed.

New Education Policy 2020 rightly has emphasized the importance of online education. But the Indian Education system is not fully ready yet for this transformation. The shift from offline to online needs better preparations and must be well supported by the required infrastructure and facilities. There is a need to strengthen the infrastructure and the resources in order to provide efficient digital education.

There are also other big challenges surrounding the education system in India due to lockdowns like job and financial loss of teachers and institutions, infection in the households, stress and worries etc. making the issues in the education system more complex.

There are many institutions that have set true examples by really showing care for their employees as well as their students. But there are instances where the employees and the students are getting worse treatment by the educational institutions. The management in educational institutions must not panic and instead try to develop a system that is an ideal one and based on care and rationality. It must not turn into a system that is less productive and is based on anger and frustrations. Most of the educational institutions today are trying to go in a state of hurry using online systems. It can easily put both the teachers and the students under high risk of losing their health. We must not forget that increased use of gadgets and exposure to screens can result in some serious health problems. It is the good health and happiness that will matter most to be more productive. Educational institutions must start giving breaks to students and employees although they are working from home. Continuous work can lead to a situation of burnout. It must be kept in mind that it is only the work that matters with the honest employees whether they are at home or present physically at a workplace. It’s by using rigid systems organizations may easily trouble their good employees and it either not in the interest of the organizations.

This Corona crisis has to go whether soon or later and it will give humans a lot of lessons. It is the responsibility of educational institutions to act as real leaders in society in this hour of crisis. It’s they who can set good examples for others. Good gestures by them will be remembered for a longer period of time. The employees and the students also have to show care and put in their best efforts for the prosperity of the educational institutions and the society. Education institutes must also spread high awareness regarding how to defeat this pandemic. It is their responsibility to promote COVID-19 appropriate behavior and related information such as cover mouth with a mask, maintain social distancing, wash hands frequently, avoid large gatherings, going for vaccination etc. Everyone must work with unity and with more positivity, care and rationality.


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