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RCPSDC Showcases Skilling Opportunities at AIPMA International Summit Organized in Collaboration with MSME

EPN Desk 07 March 2022 06:56


New Delhi: Rubber, Chemical & Petrochemical Skill Development Council (RCPSDC) unveiled a full-fledged pavilion on the skilling schemes in the Plastics sector at the International Summit 2022 on Plastic Recycling & Waste Management organized by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) in collaboration with The All India Plastics Manufacturers’ Association (AIPMA). The two-day mega event was inaugurated on 4th March, 2022 at The Lalit, New Delhi. Carrying forward the agenda of Skill India Mission, RCPSDC exhibited its objectives, various running schemes like NAPS, RPL and Short-term training etc.

RCPSDC showcased Kaushal acharya, an exclusive online platform for digital learning in Rubber & Plastic Industries and also educated the audience on its pilot project ‘Utthaan’.  Project “Utthaan- Uplifting Lives of Plastic Waste Management Workforce’’ is one of the flagship projects of RCPSDC which aims at upskilling of the workforce (unorganised or organised) in plastic waste segregation, processing, and recycling job roles and to help them perform their jobs more effectively and enhance their productivity.

Ms. Shewani Nagpal, Chief Operating Officer, RCPSDC said, “RCPSDC has undertaken several initiatives & implemented various Government skilling schemes to upskill the Rubber & Petrochemical sectors and make it competitive. Our stall at the summit highlighted the ‘Utthaan’ project, Insights on different ways that the industry can benefit from RCPSDC in upskilling its workforce through National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Short Term Training and recruit trained manpower through our job portal.”

“This Summit provided a platform for RCPSDC to showcase its endeavours and achievements to the industry, where it was encouraged and appreciated. Industry members present there visited the stall and gave their requirements for re-skilling and recruitment of skilled manpower in the Plastics industries. They also learned about Plastic Processing & Recycling Industry in detail” she added. 

Industries also appreciated the exclusive Job Portal for the Rubber & Petrochemical sectors for Job Seekers & Employers to hunt for jobs & employees 24/7. RCPSDC explained that the portal comes with advanced filtration tools that allow employers and jobseekers to filter their search based on their desired interests, location, skill sets and more.


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