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We Celebrate Community Service As An Intrinsic Part Of Learning

Guneet Ohri, Director of Gurugram’s Suncity School, reflects on her leadership journey shaped by mentorship and personal beliefs as she sits down for a brief discussion with Education Post's Prabhav Anand about how the school aligns with the National Education Policy 2020, integrates technology for enhanced learning, and addresses social issues through community engagement.

EPN Desk 09 May 2024 08:52

Guneet Ohri, Principal of Gurugram’s Suncity School

Q. What experiences have shaped your leadership style and approach to fostering student growth and development?

Having great mentors who not only empowered me but also taught me that nothing can be achieved without inculcating a strong sense of discipline and diligent pursuance goals with success or failure just as a bi product. Hence, I don’t believe in giving up and try to bring that across to my students. I want them to be resilient, learn from mistakes, get our knees skinned, yet rise up to move on.

Another factor that has been responsible for my leadership style is my training in development of a skill set based on my aptitude. So, what I bring to the table for my school is the concept of developing the ‘whole child.’

Further, the ability to absorb critical review and use it to my advantage goes a long way in building introspection skills, something I consistently work towards developing among my students.

Lastly, my personal belief in the inherent worth and potential of every student, guides me to prioritize equity, empowerment, and inclusivity in supporting student growth and development.

Q. With the recent changes introduced by the National Education Policy 2020, how is your school adapting its curriculum and teaching methodologies to align with the policy's objectives?

Achieving a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to education, as emphasized in the National Education Policy 2020, requires a comprehensive strategy that involves various stakeholders, reforms, and initiatives. We have taken the following steps:

  1. Curriculum Design with Interdisciplinary Learning Opportunities at its core
  2. Applying The Multiple Intelligences theory to analyse student’s strengths
  3. Robust INSET -Teacher Training and Professional Development: Assessment and Evaluation:
  4. Community Engagement and Partnerships (CAS programme)
  5. Technology integration:
  6. Inclusive Education Practices:
  7. State of the art Infrastructure:
  8. Strong policies and guidelines:
  9. Sanskars – our core belief in instilling values. It is by far an integral part of what goes on in school.

Q. In what ways does your school integrate technology into the classroom to enhance teaching and learning experiences for students and teachers?

From virtual to offline sessions with Microsoft connect, exchange programmes, working on personal projects to digitizing the classroom teaching we fully integrate technology.

Q. Addressing social issues such as bullying, mental health, and diversity is crucial for creating a safe and supportive school environment. How does your school address these challenges and promote a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity?

Having Sanskars at the core of our mission and vision, we celebrate community service as an intrinsic part of learning in the school. Fostering of respect and regard towards the lesser privileged by donation drives, langars and celebration of Labor Day are some examples.

Q. Can you share an example of a student-driven initiative or project at your school that has had a positive impact on the school community or beyond?

Active member of The Climate Action Project is a project allowing teachers and students ages 3-21 to collaborate on environmental topics. This project is supported by Queen Elizabeth II, Dr. Jane Goodall, world leaders and Ministries of Education across 16 countries.


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