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The universe has no beginning or end It exists in absolute form

In an interview with Education Post, Yogesh pathak a research scholar whose research, “The Absolute Theory of the Universe,” promises to reshape our perception of the universe’s fundamental nature.

Prabhav Anand 13 September 2024 10:52

Image: Yogesh Pathak

Image: Yogesh Pathak

In the world of astrophysics, groundbreaking theories often emerge, challenging our understanding of the cosmos. One such revolutionary concept is presented by Yogesh Kumar Pathak, a research scholar whose research, “The Absolute Theory of the Universe,” promises to reshape our perception of the universe’s fundamental nature. With a BTech and a PG Diploma, Pathak has driven deep into the mysteries of the cosmos, offering a theory that starkly contrasts conventional beliefs. Pathak’s theory draws an analogy to calm water disturbed by a stone, creating temporary ripples that eventually settle back into stillness. He posits that the universe operates similarly, with a base, time-independent state occasionally disrupted by incidents like the “big collision” and “big bang,” leading to the creation of a time dependent universe. This disturbance, he argues, is not perpetual but temporary, with the universe eventually returning to its original, stable state. In this interview with Education Post's Prabhav Anand, Pathak discusses his journey, the inspirations behind his research, and the intricate details of his Absolute Theory. He passionately defends his theory, asserting its superiority over existing concepts and emphasizing the need for a correct understanding of the universe.

Q. What inspired you to choose theoretical physics as a career?

I have always had a deep interest in understanding and analyzing complex phenomena. From the very beginning, my fascination has been with comprehending and investigating such subjects, and physics has always been my favorite subject. I read extensively about cosmology and often found that there were many unanswered questions. This incomplete knowledge motivated me to delve deeper into cosmology and eventually led me to pursue research in this field. My research journey has spanned over ten years, and today, I can say that my work is complete and comprehensive.

Q. How did you develop the “Absolute Theory of the Universe?” Where did it all begin?

My journey began with my readings and studies on cosmology. I always felt that existing theories were somewhat incomplete. This sense of incompletion sparked my curiosity to understand the actual reasons behind everything. For instance, while studying the Big Bang theory, I didn’t refute it but felt that it didn’t explain what preceded the Big Bang. These gaps in understanding drove me to research further, and this led me to develop the “Absolute Theory of the Universe.” Today, I can confidently state that my research is one hundred percent accurate according to my findings, and I believe it presents a complete theory.

Q. If I tell you that I know nothing about this topic, how would you explain your theory in simple terms to me or to the readers?

Okay, let me give you an overview of my research in simple language. This research is based on a logical framework. Imagine a calm body of water, and when we throw a stone into it, it creates disturbances. Similarly, the universe.

When the water is calm, it represents the Absolute Universe, where there is no resistance of time, meaning no changes occur. However, when we throw a stone and create disturbances, it symbolizes the Time-Dependent Universe, where time causes changes. The universe we live in is the Time-Dependent Universe. There’s also a hybrid universe that exists within the time-independent root universe.

Q. How do you address criticism from other scientists regarding your theory?

I welcome criticism because it is an opportunity to validate my research. My theory is entirely based on logic. To explain further, the universe is continuous and infinite. Zero and infinity are relative concepts and can never be absolute. For example, if I say there is a book here and zero books elsewhere, zero is relative to the presence of the book. Therefore, it is impossible to have an absolute state of nothingness in the universe. Everything is relative, and the universe continues endlessly.

I can explain this concept to anyone, demonstrating how zero and infinity are always relative and never absolute. Thus, my theory holds that the universe is continuous, which aligns with the logical framework I’ve developed.

Q. In your theory, you mention the Big Bang theory, which you don’t refute. Can you explain the significance of the Big Bang or the Big Collision in your theory for our audience?

The events of the Big Collision and the Big Bang are natural processes. Scientists have described the Big Bang as a massive explosion, but they haven’t been able to explain what caused it. If the Big Bang is naturally possible, then there must have been some force or pressure causing it.

My research suggests that when the universe was trying to reach a stable state, multiple Big Collisions occurred. These collisions are natural and explainable processes. To elaborate, if we consider the smallest possible size of the universe, it would be a point without any energy, force, or pressure. The universe inherently tends to be spherical, much like a drop of water.

Initially, the universe was a point without any energy, force, or vibration. However, due to its spherical property, multiple points combined, creating extreme pressure around them, eventually leading to an explosion. This explosion can be compared to a balloon bursting when overinflated. When these events occurred everywhere, the universe tried to stabilize, leading to the Big Collision. The Big Collision created a gap, and this gap caused further pressure, leading to the Big Bang.

The creation of time is linked to this explosion. When the Big Collision occurred, mass converted into energy, and after the Big Bang, this energy propagated at the speed of light. Time is dependent on the energy produced during these events. By understanding the energy involved in these collisions, we can define time-based on the speed of light.

Q. You mentioned that you have practically proved your “Time Machine Theory.” How did you achieve this?

I would prefer to discuss this in detail later because there are secondary aspects involved. For now, I want to highlight that my Absolute Theory of the Universe is, in my opinion, 100% accurate, and this is what I aim to develop further.

Q. Have you proposed any experiments or observations to validate your theory?

Yes, that’s why I wanted to speak to the media—to have an opportunity to practically prove my theory. Mathematically, I have proven it, and the time equation I defined can be considered an observable universal action. If a theory has a correct mathematical expression, it means the idea behind it is correct. However, until it is practically proven, it cannot be considered complete.

For example, the Bose particle discovered in Geneva had a specific time for which it was produced. When I applied the experimental values to my equations, the exact same values emerged, matching the observed time. I have observed similar results in multiple cases, confirming my belief that my theory is correct. The rest will become clear as more practical validations are conducted.

Q. Is there any particular scientist or thinker you look up to or want to collaborate with in your work?

This interest has always been mine. My inspiration comes from researchers who study the Big Bang theory and various other theories. I respect all of them and consider their work valuable.

Q. What is your next step in your research journey?

My next step is to practically validate my theory. I want to bring this theory into the public domain, especially to receive support for proving it practically. I hope this will advance the understanding of the world we live in. If we can gain accurate knowledge about our universe, it will be immensely beneficial.

Q. How do you maintain a balance between work and personal life, which is a common challenge for every scientist?

Management is an essential part of a good life. How well you manage your life depends on your management skills. My point is that you should give as much importance to your personal life and family members as you do to your profession. Both aspects are very important for living a good life.

Q. What advice would you give to a young scientist or anyone looking to build a career in theoretical physics?

My advice is to give your best in whatever you do. Whether it’s research, sports, or any field you want to excel in, give your hundred percent. This is a life formula for success: strive to achieve your best, and you will achieve it.



Article Title: The absolute theory of universe


A calm water like base universe or you can say time independent universe. Where we throw a stone in calm water it’s creates disturbance and also a gap. This disturbance like new universe or time-dependent universe. That will be for certain time after this certain time the calm water regain their stability and it will be again in calm position.

Like above example, same situation happens in universe. According to me this is the real concept of universe and I strongly oppose other nonsense thought about the universe and faithfully say that it is only the truth about universe.

This is theoretical concept of universe in brief.


This is my long-time research about complete universe and I strongly says that this is the right concept about the universe because according to me there is nothing truth beyond this concept.

I generally see that there are many misconceptions about the universe that is so irritating for us and also force to more nonsense think about this.

But here I have tried to give you the right concept about the universe with my long time research because it is necessary that where you exist. You should know about that.


To understand this theory in general words you need to know some general things such as the numbers zero and infinite. That’s mean there is beginning point and end point but the truth is, both numbers actually don’t exist means there is neither beginning point nor end point in the universe. it’s only our misunderstanding about the real universe that it begins or end because these numbers are only relative numbers that’s mean, if I say there is nothing (zero) it means there is nothing with respect to something.

And here something is in existence.

And where beginning point and end point don’t exist there is only result and stable state exist means only result can performs that will be in stable condition.

For example suppose you have a mobile when you click on a mobile, you see only the result not the process or mechanism which are happening in background after click.

Likewise universe works. There is every things are in the absolute forms where time doesn’t exist. It doesn’t show the mechanism/ intermediate process because it doesn’t have beginning or end.

If I write in number then it will be 1(one) number that is present everywhere in absolute form where time doesn’t exist. Yes you read right word that there doesn’t exist any time because their existence are only in the absolute form of the universe and it cannot vary. There is every things like Motion, rotation, energy, mass, elements, atoms, matter in absolute form (where time effect is zero) every things except time.

Now if there is unfortunately any incident occurs like collision. Because collision is the only possibility in the universe and after the collision time is produced. That is miracle of universe.

That is the beginning of another Universe where time exists. According to researcher, the universe began by the incident of “big bang” but twist is here that the first incident was the “big collision” between heavy masses. When they collide then they creates the gap in the universe and after this collision the “big bang” happened. After “big collision” and “big bang” time produces. This time value will be the time of base universe or absolute universe to regain their stability or absolute condition from unstable state. it is because of “big collision then big bang” disturbance in the base universe / absolute universe.

The produced after big collision and big bang a new universe forms there. And time of the new created universe depends on how much time was created after the big collision and the big bang when time will end the created universe merge with base universe/ absolute universe. According to me these are the true concept about the universe.


Universe is defined as a continuous space in every direction. There does neither beginning nor end and every point are itself beginning and end. It can neither create nor destroy.

There is a fundamental principal of universe is that “space always want to shrink in smallest possible size”.

There are two category of universe.

1. Time independent universe.

2. Time dependent universe.

Time independent universe or absolute universe

This is base universe and time independent or parent universe. It is continuous and stable and absolute means there is no time exists.

Every things are pre exist nothing is created and destroyed only it can covert from one form to another form by random incident. Everywhere is beginning and end? This shows completeness of universe. If I denote this, in number there is only existence of one everywhere. It can neither be zero nor infinite.

Time dependent universe

This universe is spread over the base universe also can say that baby universe or hybrid universe which is created by random incidents in the base universe. This is time dependent universe. It has beginning and end means it has limit and not continuous. All things varying means it can be create or destroy. If i denote it in number it can be zero, one and infinite.

For example

A calm water is like base (time independent) universe and any how there is any disturbance occurs that disturbance will spread over the calm water and it will be for certain time that denotes as time dependent universe.

Our universe which is initiated from the big collision between masses not from big bang. Big bang happens after this big collision. These two incidents are consecutive incident and complete process.

Suppose I have a space where everything is pre exist. Means atoms, molecules, elements, matter, energy.... etc but not time.

According to the concept of universe a big collision and big bang occurs it releases energy E in pure form and in mass form suppose it is Em. And it spread over the base universe in volume V.

Then the time will directly proportional to the increased or produced total energy by the big collision and big bang of volume V.

Increased total energy = after collision total energy (at time t=T) of volume V- previous total energy (at time t = 0) of volume V.

And total energy after collision of volume at time T is ET.

And total energy of volume V before collision at time zero= E0.

Now increased energy of volume V at time T is Ei.

Then Ei = ET - E0.

If collision occurs then,

Ei= Epure+Em.

Then Epure + Em = ET - E0.

According to the proportionality T is proportional to release energy in collision.

Means T = Kt (Epure+Em)............1

Where Kt is time constant.


T=Kt(2mc²) if m1=m2......3

To find maximum value of time let’s multiply 1 and 2,


T=±Kt×root((E1+E2)²).....in terms of energy.


T=±Kt×(c²)root((m1+m2)²)...in term of mass.


To find the value of Kt (time constant), first we have to understand the time concept means you can define the time anywhere. Time can be defined as magnitude of time taken to complete a work done or time taken by the light energy covered a certain path for unit meter.

Means 3×10⁸m/sec is speed of light that represent in 1 second it covers the 3×10⁸meter. Now if we want to calculate it for 1 meter it will be 1/(3×10⁸) second. Hence if a light energy moves 1 meter it defines the 1/ (3×10⁸) second.

We know that Kt = T/Epure

=( time created by unit amount of energy )

Kt =1/(3×10⁸) second per unit of energy of light

Now put this value of time constant Kt. we get the value of total created time after big collision and big bang.

In terms of energy,

T= ±(1/3×10⁸)(E1+E2)

T=±(3.3×10‐⁹) ( E ) where E1=E2=2E..............6

In terms of mass,



T = ± ( 3 × 1 0 ⁸ ) ( 2 m ) where m1=m2=2m...............7

Above both 6 and 7 are the equations to find total time T of universe produces by after big collision and big bang in terms of mass and energy form and m1 and m2 mass also represent that both colliding mass. The time value will in both positive and negative value of time.


That means when heavy masses that are in absolute form in base/ absolute universe collide with each other. Then there is produces time that can be found out by above equation 6 and 7. And after big collision there’s also creates a gap in base/ absolute universe which is like, when a balloon is air filling after some time it will be burst due to high pressure of its surroundings likewise when gap creates after big collision due to high pressure of its surrounding the big bang occurs that spread over the base/ universe and make it unstable. The time consumed by the base/absolute universe to become stable will be equal to the produced time by the big collision and big bang incident.

References - Big Bang theory and self study.

Animal Studies – No

Funding - As per requirement.

Conflicts of Interests - No conflicts

Data availability – No

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