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Skill Gap in the Apparel Industry is to a tune of appx 40 Lacs, says Dr. Roopak Vashisth, CEO & DG, AMHSSC

EPN Desk 23 March 2021 10:00

Dr. Roopak Vasishtha

Dr. Roopak Vasishtha CEO & Director General, AMHSSC

 Recently PMKVY 3.0 has been launched by the Central government. What is the objective of the third version of PMKVY and how it is different from the last two versions?

Release of all the versions of the PMKVY are common, i.e. spread of the ‘Skill India’ mission of the Govt of India. Both I and II versions of PMKVY have been quite successful in taking the Skilling ecosystem to every corner of India. In every version improvisation takes place based on the experience by all stakeholders and the research conducted by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. Version III of the PMKVY is also an absolutely improvised version with a lot of emphasis on Online working, both in the field of Trainings, as well as in the Assessments. Also District Skilling Committees have been set up in all the districts and the said Committees would identify the Skill requirement in that particular district and would coordinate with the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, which would get the trainings in those specific sectors arranged for.

Q  With PMKVY 3.0, your sector skill council is planning to introduce a new QP (Qualification Pack), or change in NOS (National Occupational Standards) or job roles, etc.?

In Apparel sector the most sought for Job roles for Training remain ‘Sewing Machine Operator’ and ‘Self Employed Tailor’. We have already developed Qualification Packs for 45 Job roles which cater to the Rural, as well as Urban youth. As such, we are not planning to introduce any new Qualification Packs. However, we are in the process of thoroughly reviewing the existing QPs and also are trying to merge a few to promote ‘Multitasking’. In appx one month time we shall be ready with our reviewed and merged  QPs. As advised by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), a few topics are also being included in the QPs for catering to Green Jobs and standards for People with Disabilities (PWD).

Q  What is your target to skill the youth under PMKVY 3.0 with fresh skill training and RPL?

AMH SSC, since its inception in Dec, 2013, has certified more than 15 Lac persons in the Apparel sector and has been adjudged the highest employment generator under the PMKVY Scheme. This includes both Short Term Trainings (STT), Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), School Skilling programmes, Schemes of State Skilling Missions, certification of students of Bachelor of Vocational Studies B. (Voc) under the University Grants Commission (UGC) and finally in the Engineering colleges under All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

The quest of AMH SSC is to spread ‘Skill India’ mission and we are planning to further intensify our efforts in reaching out to more and more people of the country so as to create more employment and on the other hand help Industry by providing skilled manpower.

Q  What is in your mind, have you set any figure beyond tour last two PMKVY?

Skill Gap in the Apparel Industry is to a tune of appx 40 Lac. This gap has further got widened with the migrant workers of Apparel industry leaving for their natives during Pandemic. The requirement of skilled manpower has further gone up with the perceived shift which is expected from Many countries in the world changing their options of buying Apparel from China. The traffic is likely to land at India. So, the requirement of skilled manpower would be much larger in the coming years. AMH SSC would ideally like to fulfil the entire skill gap in the Apparel Industry in India. However, whatever humble contribution we shall be able to make in reducing the Skill gap, we shall be happy and honoured to do.

Q  How PMKVY 3.0 is planning to cope with the technological advancements and adoption of automation?

During past two versions of PMKVY, all the stakeholders were constantly encouraged to switch over to Online mode in Training, as well as in Assessment processes. However, the PMKVY 3 gives special emphasis on the Online mode of delivery. This has been done to maximise the outreach of the skilling programmes of the Govt of India. Online process also results in speedy completion of trainings and assessments and is relatively transparent, as well. All the Sector Skill Councils are now promoting Online protocols, wherever feasible. It may also be kept in mind that while Online delivery would make things easy but in many areas of skills, especially in the manufacturing sector the trainees need to be imparted with practical skills, which can only be imparted with offline demonstration and the trainees also need to physically practice on those learnings and, hence, online mode doesn’t work. However, as mentioned above, wherever possible, more emphasis is being given to online mode of delivery.

Q  How many people have been skilled by your SSC in the last five years? Please share the data.

As mentioned in preceding para, AMH SSC has certified more than 15 Lac persons under the various schemes in the Apparel sector since its inception in Dec, 2013. The edge the SSCs get is the continual guidance and expertise of the who’s who of the industry. Most of the top most names in the industry are in the Board of Directors in the Sector Skill Councils. In AMH SSC also we have the patronage of the most renowned names in the Apparel sector. We plan to soon bridge the entire skill gap in the Apparel sector by providing skilled manpower to the industry in a big way.

Q  Anything else, you want to share with our readers?

The Sector Skill Council concept is an international concept and adopted by the Govt of India in its quest to involve industry in the skilling work in the country. Most of the SSCs are appx 3-4 years old. Give us a few more years and the entire skilling ecosystem would get boasted. Already the SSCs have contributed immensely by organising Short term trainings and Recognition of Prior Learning certifications across the industry in a big way and in the coming years the mission would bet further boasted and the industry across the country would get immensely benefitted. I am very confident that most of the schemes of the Govt of India, like Start-Up India, Digital India and many other schemes would become successful with the active help if ‘Skill India’ mission of the Hon’ble Prime Minister and this would be another step forward towards ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’.


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