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Kindness, Empathy, Innovation: Shaping the Future of Education

Rakhi Sharma, the esteemed Principal of Agra’s Mount Litera Zee School Sikandra, shares insights into her leadership philosophy and the school's approach to preparing students for the future in an interview with Education Post's Prabhav Anand. With over 15 years of experience and a dedication to lifelong learning, she emphasizes the importance of values like kindness, empathy, and respect in fostering student success.

EPN Desk19 May 2024 11:20

Rakhi Sharma

Q. Reflecting on your journey in education, what values or principles guide your leadership philosophy and approach to fostering student success?

My career began as a primary science teacher at Azad Public School Bulandshahr, then as a TGT Science Teacher at Renaissance School. She later served at Dr. MPS World School in Agra for 10 years, acting as Academic Coordinator and Activity Coordinator. In 2023, I became the founder Principal at Mount Litera Zee School K5 in Agra. My dedication to staying updated with educational trends through seminars and workshops reflects my commitment to lifelong learning. My dedication is known for my passion for teaching and fostering student and educator growth.

In my journey in education, I've learned that kindness, empathy, and respect are the most important values to guide my leadership philosophy. I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and heard. I strive to lead by example, showing students the importance of hard work, perseverance, and integrity. I aim to foster a love for learning by encouraging curiosity and creativity. My goal is to empower students to reach their full potential and become confident, compassionate individuals ready to make positive contributions to society.

Q. The National Education Policy 2020 advocates for a more flexible and skill-oriented education system. How is your school implementing these principles to prepare students for the challenges of the future?

At our school, we're embracing the principles outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 by integrating more flexible learning approaches and prioritizing skill development. We've revamped our curriculum to include interdisciplinary subjects, project-based learning, and vocational training opportunities to equip students with practical skills alongside academic knowledge. Our teaching methods emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity to prepare students for the challenges of the future. Additionally, we've established partnerships with industry experts and organizations to provide real-world experiences and internships, ensuring our students are well-prepared for the evolving job market. By fostering a dynamic and skill-oriented educational environment, we're committed to empowering our students to thrive in the rapidly changing world.

Q. Technology plays a significant role in modern education. How does your school leverage digital tools and platforms to enhance teaching and learning experiences for students and teachers?

We fully embrace technology to enhance teaching and learning experiences. We use digital tools and platforms like interactive whiteboards, educational apps, and online resources to make lessons more engaging and interactive.

Teachers utilize digital platforms for distributing assignments, providing feedback, and facilitating discussions, making learning accessible anytime, anywhere. We also offer training sessions and support for both students and teachers to ensure everyone can effectively utilize these tools. Through the integration of technology, we aim to create a dynamic and innovative learning environment that prepares students for the digital age.

Q. Addressing social issues within the school community is crucial for creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. What strategies does your school employ to foster a culture of respect, acceptance, and support among students and staff?

My priority is creating a positive and inclusive learning environment by implementing various strategies. We promote respect, acceptance, and support through regular community-building activities such as assemblies, group discussions, and peer mentoring programs. Our curriculum includes lessons on diversity, empathy, and conflict resolution to foster understanding and tolerance among students. We have established clear guidelines and protocols for addressing instances of bullying, discrimination, or harassment, ensuring that all members of our school community feel safe and valued. By promoting open communication, empathy, and mutual respect, we strive to cultivate a culture where everyone feels accepted and supported.

Q. Can you share an example of a partnership or collaboration with external organizations or community groups that has enriched the learning experiences of students at your school?

One great example is our partnership with a local environmental organization. They help us set up field trips to nearby parks and nature reserves where students can learn about ecosystems, biodiversity, and conservation first hand. The organization also conducts workshops and presentations at our school, teaching students about sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. Through this collaboration, students not only gain valuable knowledge about the environment but also develop a deeper appreciation for nature and a sense of responsibility towards protecting it.


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