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Individualized Attention Can Profoundly Shape Student's Journey

Anil Kashyap, Principal of Oasis Sainik School in Rajasthan’s Suratgarh, emphasizes the institution’s commitment to holistic development, personalized mentorship, and leveraging technology for enhanced learning experiences through personal anecdotes and strategic perspectives in quick chat with Education Post’s Prabhav Anand.

EPN Desk 05 May 2024 09:08

Anil Kashyap, Principal, Oasis Sainik School  Rajasthan Suratgarh

Q. Could you share a personal experience or story that has deeply influenced your perspective on education and leadership?

One particular experience that deeply influenced my perspective on education and leadership was witnessing the transformation of a struggling student into a confident achiever through personalized mentorship and support.

This taught me the profound impact that individualized attention and guidance can have on shaping a student's journey and reinforced my belief in the power of compassionate leadership.

Q. How do you plan to align the curriculum and educational practices at Oasis Sainik School with the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 to foster holistic development and skill enhancement among students?

We are committed to aligning our curriculum and educational practices with the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020.

This involves implementing a competency-based approach that emphasizes holistic development and skill enhancement among students.

We are revamping our curriculum to integrate interdisciplinary learning, critical thinking skills, and experiential learning opportunities to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century.

Q. In today's digital age, technology is revolutionizing the educational landscape. How has Oasis Sainik School integrated technology into its teaching methods to enhance student learning experiences?

In response to the digital age, we have embraced technology as a tool to enhance student learning experiences.

We have integrated smart classrooms, interactive digital resources, and online learning platforms into our teaching methods.

Additionally, we provide training and support for both students and teachers to effectively utilize technology for educational purposes, ensuring that our students are equipped with the digital literacy skills necessary for success in today's world.

Q. Considering the unique social dynamics of Rajasthan, what are some of the prevalent social issues or challenges that students face, and how does the school support them in navigating these challenges?

Suratgarh presents its own set of social dynamics and challenges for our students. Some prevalent social issues include access to quality education, gender inequality, and economic disparities. To support students in navigating these challenges, Oasis Sainik School implements various support systems such as counseling services, mentorship programs, and community outreach initiatives.

We strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student feels valued and supported.

Q. Beyond academics, what extracurricular activities or initiatives does Oasis Sainik School offer to promote the overall growth and development of its students?

Oasis Sainik School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities and initiatives to promote the overall growth and development of our students.

These include sports programs, cultural events, leadership workshops, community service projects, and entrepreneurial initiatives.

We believe that participating in extracurricular activities fosters essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, creativity, and resilience, complementing the academic curriculum and preparing students for success in all aspects of their lives.


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