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Igniting Curiosity, Nurturing Wonder - A Visionary Approach to Education and Leadership

Dr. Raghuveer YV, Principal of Podar International School in Aurangabad, shares insights into his educational journey and leadership philosophy in a conversation with Education Post’s Prabhav Anand.

EPN Desk 02 May 2023 06:41

Dr. Raghuveer YV, Principal, Podar International School

Dr. Raghuveer YV, Principal of Podar International School in Aurangabad, shares insights into his educational journey and leadership philosophy in a conversation with Education Post's Prabhav Anand. Influenced by mentors emphasizing curiosity and holistic development, Dr. Raghuveer discusses integrating the National Education Policy 2020, leveraging technology, addressing social challenges, and promoting extracurricular activities to nurture well-rounded individuals.

Q. Could you share a personal experience that has significantly influenced your approach to education and leadership?

I was a sincere student from school days & got into regularly seen teacher’s profession like my father. As soon as completion of my post-graduation from the University of Mysore in the year 1993, I started working as a science teacher.

When I recall the past 27 years of educator’s career now, two prominent personalities appear to be highly influencing icons in my life. One is the chairman of Academy for Creative Teaching (ACT) who is the precipice of learning, experience & wisdom Dr. Gururaj Karajagi. He has literally and practically incorporated ‘value chain’ to my present ‘educational & leadership approach’ as an individual who escalated himself to be like an institution of wisdom.

Parallelly, the other personality is an epitome of big dreams, generosity, magnanimity of vision and organizational skills who is the chairman of Jain Group of Institutions (JGI) Dr. Chenraj Jain. He is a trend setting example to ‘run a perennially viable & successful organisation of repute’

My own career as a teacher, teacher trainer & administrator sounds thrilling and worth recalling. It can certainly influence many other ambitious readers. Because, it is real and an enjoyable experience.

Allow me to share a poignant memory from my early days as an educator. It was a crisp Monday morning, and the sun painted the classroom walls with a gentle warmth. I stood before a group of eager young minds, their eyes wide with curiosity and hearts brimming with dreams.

Among them was Avinash, a quiet boy with unruly hair and a penchant for asking questions that transcended textbooks. His inquisitiveness was both a delight and a challenge. One day, during a lesson on constellations, Avinash raised his hand and asked, “Why do stars twinkle, Dr. Raghuveer?”

I paused, momentarily caught off guard. The answer lay in physics, of course—the bending of light due to atmospheric turbulence—but Avinash’s question went beyond science. It was about wonder, about seeking the magic hidden within the mundane. Instead of launching into a technical explanation, I did something unconventional. I dimmed the lights, drew the curtains, and invited the class to imagine they were stargazing. We sat cross-legged on the floor, our gazes fixed on an imaginary night sky. I wove tales of celestial beings, whispered secrets of distant galaxies, and let the silence settle like stardust.

Avinash’s eyes sparkled. His question had led us on an unexpected journey—a journey where education transcended facts and touched the soul. From that day on, I vowed to nurture curiosity, to create spaces where questions weren’t obstacles but gateways to wonder.

Leadership, too, found its roots in that classroom. I realized that true leadership wasn’t about authority; it was about igniting minds, fostering empathy, and nurturing a sense of awe. I became a guide, not just in academics but in life’s grand mysteries.

So, whenever I step into a school, I carry Aarav’s stardust with me. I encourage teachers to embrace curiosity, to let questions lead them to uncharted territories. And I remind myself that education isn’t a destination; it’s a constellation of moments that shape futures.

And so, my approach to education and leadership remains simple: ignite curiosity, nurture wonder, and let the democratic way guide us as a team to thrive.

Q. How does Podar International School plan to integrate the principles and objectives outlined in the National Education Policy 2020 into its curriculum and educational practices to ensure holistic development and skill enhancement among students?

Podar International School recognizes the significance of the NEP 2020 and aims to align its curriculum and educational practices with its principles and objectives. Here are some ways in which Podar International School integrates the NEP into its educational framework:

Holistic Development: The NEP emphasizes holistic development, including physical, intellectual, spiritual and emotional (PISE) aspects. Podar International School ensures a balanced approach by incorporating co-curricular activities, sports, arts, and life skills training alongside academic subjects. This approach nurtures well-rounded individuals.

21st-Century Skills: The NEP underscores the importance of 21st-century skills such as numerical skills, critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. Podar International School integrates these skills into its teaching methodologies, encouraging students to think critically, solve problems, and work collaboratively. In the recent past, more than 80% of our students have appeared for their National Financial Literacy Assessment Test (NFLAT) online and they look forward to complete both their junior & senior level tests.

Reduced Syllabus: The NEP advocates for a streamlined syllabus to focus on essential learning. Podar International School aligns its curriculum by prioritizing core concepts and reducing unnecessary content. This approach allows students to delve deeper into topics and develop a better understanding with demonstrative illustrations.

Multilingualism: The NEP promotes multilingualism and encourages schools to offer regional languages as part of the curriculum. Podar International School provides Marathi and Hindi language options beyond English, with their language labs fostering linguistic diversity and cultural understanding.

Flexible Learning Paths: The NEP emphasizes flexibility in learning paths. Podar International School offers a variety of subjects and electives, allowing students to choose based on their interests and career aspirations. This personalized approach enhances skill development.

Teacher Training and Professional Development: The NEP highlights the importance of teacher training. Podar International School invests in continuous professional development for its educators, ensuring they stay updated with innovative teaching methods and pedagogical practices like teachers’ evaluation before teachers (TEBT).

Assessment Reforms: The NEP recommends a shift from rote memorization to competency-based assessments. Podar International School incorporates formative assessments, project-based evaluations, and skill-based assessments to gauge students’ understanding and application of knowledge.

Inclusion and Diversity: The NEP emphasizes inclusive education. Podar International School ensures that all students receive equitable access to the curriculum, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds. The school fosters an inclusive environment with a separate vertical called Inclusive Education Cell (IEC) where diversity is catered through subject teacher experts and counsellors.

Technology Integration: The NEP acknowledges the role of technology in education. Podar International School leverages digital tools for interactive learning, research, and skill enhancement. Smart classrooms, e-learning platforms like coding and 3D printing, integrated learning approaches are part of the school’s strategy.

Global Perspectives: While the NEP focuses on Indian values and heritage, it also encourages global exposure. Podar International School collaborates with international institutions, participates in exchange programs, and exposes students to diverse cultures and viewpoints.

In summary, Podar International School aligns its practices with the NEP’s vision by fostering holistic development, promoting 21st-century skills, adapting to flexible learning paths, and creating an inclusive and forward-looking educational environment.

Q. In today's digital age, technology is a crucial aspect of education. How has Podar International School leveraged technology to enhance teaching methodologies and improve student engagement?

Technology plays a pivotal role in education. We recognize this and has effectively integrated technology to enhance teaching methodologies and engage students. Here are some ways in which technology is leveraged:

Smart Classrooms: Podar International School utilizes smart classrooms equipped with interactive whiteboards, projectors, and audio-visual aids. Teachers can present dynamic content, videos, and animations, making lessons more engaging and visually appealing.

E-Learning Platforms: The school employs e-learning platforms that provide access to digital resources, textbooks, and supplementary materials like refresher course materials through Google Class Room (GCR) tools. Students can learn at their own pace, revisit topics, and explore additional content beyond the classroom.

Collaborative Tools: Technology facilitates collaboration among students. They can work on group projects, share documents, and collaborate in real-time using tools like Google Workspace or Microsoft Teams.

Flipped Classroom Approach: Teachers use technology to implement a flipped classroom model. Students watch pre-recorded video lectures at home, allowing classroom time for discussions, problem-solving, and personalized attention.

Coding and Robotics: The school introduces students to coding and robotics. Coding clubs, workshops, and robotics competitions enhance computational thinking and creativity.

Gamification: Educational apps and games make learning enjoyable. Podar International School integrates gamification elements to reinforce concepts, improve retention, and motivate students.

Virtual Field Trips: Technology enables virtual field trips. Students explore historical sites, museums, and ecosystems virtually, expanding their horizons beyond the classroom.

Parent-Teacher Communication: The school uses Daily Progress Report (DPR) for an effective parent-teacher communication on daily basis. It keeps the parents informed about their child’s progress, attendance, work done in classes, scheduled homework and the upcoming school events.

Q. Considering the unique social dynamics of Maharashtra, what are some prevalent social issues or challenges that students in your school community face, and how does the school support them in addressing these challenges?

In Aurangabad, Maharashtra, several social issues and challenges impact students in the community. Here are some prevalent ones:

Garbage Crisis: Aurangabad faces a garbage crisis, with tonnes of solid waste accumulation due to disputes over dumping sites. Villages around the city have resisted allowing garbage trucks to enter their areas, leading to open waste piles. The civic agency’s inaction exacerbates the situation, affecting the environment and public health.

Water Scarcity: Like much of the Marathwada region, Aurangabad grapples with severe water scarcity. Citizens report water supply once every eight days in some areas. The city’s water problem has persisted for decades, impacting daily life and hygiene.

Droughts and Erratic Rainfall: Aurangabad frequently experiences droughts and erratic rainfall, affecting agriculture, livelihoods, and overall well-being. These climatic challenges impact students’ families and communities.

Distress Migration: The district witnesses distress migration due to economic hardships, lack of employment opportunities, and adverse conditions. Students may face disruptions in education and emotional stress due to family separations.

Social Unrest and Clashes: Aurangabad has witnessed social unrest, including clashes during events like the Hindu – Muslic strikes and riots. Such incidents can create tension and anxiety among students and their families.

Below Poverty Line (BPL) Families: A significant number of families in Aurangabad fall below the poverty line. Economic challenges, lack of resources, and limited access to quality education affect students from these backgrounds.

How Podar International School Supports Students:

Awareness and Education: The school educates students about environmental issues, waste management, and water conservation. Awareness campaigns, workshops, and classroom discussions sensitize students to these challenges.

Community Engagement: Podar International School involves students in community service and cleanliness drives. They participate in initiatives like cleaning local areas, planting trees, and spreading awareness about waste segregation.

Skill Development: The school focuses on skill-building beyond academics. Students learn practical skills related to sustainable practices, water conservation, and waste reduction. Workshops on composting and recycling empower them to take action.

Empathy and Sensitivity: Teachers encourage empathy and sensitivity toward marginalized communities. Students learn about the struggles faced by families affected by droughts, poverty, and migration. Compassion and Parivarthana drives are some of our social responsibilities.

Inclusive Environment: The school fosters an inclusive environment where students from diverse backgrounds feel accepted and supported. Programs promote understanding, respect, and collaboration among students.

Counselling Services: Podar International School provides counselling services to address emotional stress, anxiety, and trauma resulting from social unrest or family challenges. Trained counsellors guide students through difficult situations.

Advocacy and Awareness: The school collaborates with local authorities, NGOs, and community leaders to advocate for better waste management, water supply, and social welfare. Students participate in awareness campaigns and rallies.

In conclusion, Podar International School actively engages students in addressing social challenges, equipping them with knowledge, skills, and empathy to contribute positively to their community and society at large.

Q. Beyond academics and technology integration, what extracurricular activities or initiatives do Podar International School offer to promote the overall growth and development of its students?

At Podar International School, education transcends textbooks and classrooms. The school recognizes the importance of extracurricular activities in shaping well-rounded individuals and enhancing academic performance. Here are some ways in which Podar International School promotes holistic development through extracurricular initiatives:

Understanding Extracurricular Activities:

  • Extracurricular activities encompass a diverse range of pursuits beyond regular academic hours. These activities include sports, arts, music, dance, debate, community service, and more.
  • They complement the academic curriculum and provide students with opportunities to explore their passions and interests.

Enhancing Academic Performance:

  • Active participation in extracurriculars has been linked to improved academic performance.
  • For instance, sports or arts involvement enhances cognitive abilities, memory, and problem-solving skills.
  • Students who engage in extracurriculars tend to develop better time management and organizational skills, leading to more efficient study habits.

Fostering Social and Emotional Skills:

  • Extracurricular activities serve as a platform for students to interact with peers who share similar interests.
  • These activities foster social connections, teamwork, and practical communication skills.
  • Students also learn to handle both successes and failures, developing emotional resilience and a positive outlook.

Unlocking Creativity and Innovation:

  • Through activities like drama, art, and creative writing, students tap into their innate creativity and imaginative potential.
  • Extracurriculars encourage students to think outside the box, fostering innovation and original thinking applicable to various aspects of life.

Building Leadership Skills:

  • Participation in clubs, student councils, or community service opportunities allows students to take on leadership roles.
  • These experiences help them develop essential leadership qualities such as decision-making, problem-solving, and delegation—skills invaluable in their personal and professional lives.

Balancing Body and Mind:

  • Physical activities like sports and dance promote physical fitness and overall well-being.
  • Engaging in such activities improves health and helps students manage stress and anxiety, creating a balance between their physical and mental well-being.

Nurturing Time Management Skills:

  • Juggling academics and extracurriculars teaches students the importance of time management.
  • Learning to balance responsibilities and commitments prepares them for the challenges of adulthood, where effective time management is crucial.

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