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We Are Cultivating Young Minds That Will Shape Future For Generations To Come

With over three decades of experience, Pratibha Kohli, Principal of Delhi’s Maharaja Agrasen Model School shares insights about her experience and NEP 2020 implementation. She also says that her school prioritizes life skills, Indian Knowledge Systems, and tech integration, ensuring holistic student development.

EPN Desk17 May 2024 10:14

Pratibha Kohli

Q. Reflecting on your journey in education, what lessons have you learned along the way that have shaped your leadership style and approach to fostering student success?

There is no greater joy than witnessing a student develop a genuine thirst for learning. Seeing students blossom into their innate potential has always brought me immense joy. During my journey in education, spanning over three decades, it is truly gratifying to nurture the spark of curiosity and see my students excel.

As a school leader, my approach has always been learner-centric. My focus has been on building a strong foundation of social-emotional learning as when students grow, they learn to manage emotions, build relationships, and develop resilience. I strongly believe in the Henry Adams quote: “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

As a transformational leader, I have learned that the school should be an ecosystem where students and teachers feel empowered and enlightened by the luminescence of education. In the contemporary educational landscape, I have been at the forefront of embracing 21st-century skills. I proactively adopt the latest pedagogical approaches and novel teaching-learning strategies.

Over the years, I have witnessed the transformative power of collaboration. A student can make a difference, but a team working together towards a common goal can create magical experiences.

Collaboration among various stakeholders fosters a sense of shared responsibility and empowers everyone to contribute their unique strengths. I resonate so much with the ancient proverb: "If your plan is for one year, plant rice. If your plan is for ten years, plant trees. If your plan is for one hundred years, educate children." In essence, the impact of a teacher's work transcends boundaries. As educators, we are cultivating the young minds that will shape the future for generations to come.

Q. With the recent implementation of the National Education Policy 2020, what strategies is your school employing to ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for the challenges of the future?

The learning processes in the school are dynamic and ever-evolving to meet the needs of the contemporary learner. The school is committed to aligning the paradigms of education with the transformative vision of the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020).

Here's how the school is embracing the key aspects of NEP 2020:

● The school envisions preparing students for life beyond school as it is a key tenet of NEP 2020. This is done by integrating life skills development into the curriculum. The school imparts skills such as financial literacy, Artificial Intelligence, media literacy, and digital citizenship to the students.

● The school integrates Indian Knowledge Systems into the curriculum, thereby giving students exposure to ancient Indian culture, heritage and philosophy. This will create a well-rounded learning experience and foster a deep appreciation of the culture of our country.

● Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential for success in the 21st century. The school facilitates a learning environment that encourages students to be inquisitive, analyse information, empathise, tinker and develop innovative solutions to societal challenges. This is well facilitated by the Atal Tinkering Lab in the school.

● The school is committed to providing continuous professional development opportunities for teachers ensuring they have the skills and knowledge to implement NEP 2020 effectively.

● The school harnesses the use of technology effectively as the classrooms are equipped with interactive panels and students have access to computers through the Computer Labs in the school. This creates engaging and immersive learning experiences and also provides a personalized learning experience. Also, teachers take up gamification to make learning more engaging.

● Foundational literacy and numeracy are crucial building blocks for learning at the primary level. The school provides a robust primary education program that prioritizes FLN, ensuring all students have a solid base to build their knowledge.

● As emphasised in NEP 2020, there is a complete focus on activity-based learning, which fosters cognitive development amalgamated with social and emotional growth. Art-integrated pedagogy and Storytelling pedagogy are extensively used to build interest in the subjects. The school also incorporates Competency-based Education (CBE), aligned with learning outcomes, to ensure proficient learners who are ready to deal with real-life situations.

We are confident that we can provide our students with a holistic education that equips them with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to thrive in the ever-evolving world.

Q. Technology continues to transform the educational landscape. How does your school leverage technology to support teaching and learning, and what steps are taken to ensure equitable access for all students?

Appropriate use of technology has proved to be a game-changer and at Maharaja Agrasen Model School, we firmly believe that technology is a powerful tool for transforming education. The use of technology provides a unique, personalized and immersive learning experience that captures the attention of the ‘digital natives’ in an engrossing manner. We have moved beyond the traditional classroom walls, embracing a dynamic learning environment where opportunities are just a click away.

The school has integrated technology into international collaborative projects and for this, the school has been awarded the ‘International School Award’ from the British Council twice. This fosters collaboration, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in our students as they connect and collaborate with peers from around the world. We have implemented a comprehensive technology integration matrix. This framework guides us in using technology effectively, maximizing its impact on student learning outcomes. The classrooms are equipped with interactive panels and interactive whiteboards, allowing teachers to employ a variety of engaging instructional methods that cater to different learning styles. Regardless of gender, socio-economic background, ability, or age, the school believes that technology can empower lifelong learning. Hence, we strive to create a learning environment that caters to diverse needs and fosters a love of learning for all.

Not all students may have access to technology at home, so we provide the necessary resources and support to bridge the gap to ensure the students have the necessary technologies to learn and succeed. Last but not least, the school maintains robust and reliable internet access creating a foundation for seamless technology use. By strategically integrating technology and prioritizing equitable access, we aim to empower our students to become confident and engaged learners, prepared to thrive in the digital age.

Q. Addressing social issues is vital for creating a supportive and inclusive school environment. How does your school promote a culture of respect, empathy, and understanding among students and staff?

We believe that fostering a supportive and inclusive environment is essential for student success. We actively promote a culture of respect, empathy, and understanding among the learning community through a variety of programmes and orientations. The school places a strong emphasis on Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL), integrating social and emotional skills development right from the primary level.

This equips students with the tools to manage emotions, build healthy relationships, and resolve conflicts peacefully. There is a lot of emphasis on weaving thinking skills, social skills and emotional skills right from the primary level. The students become rational thinkers empowered with tools to solve the problems of the future.

The school has a buddy system to connect students with special needs with their peers, fostering empathy and understanding. Additionally, we have support programs in place to address the individual needs of all students. Moreover, the School Health and Wellness Programme promotes the overall well-being of students. This includes addressing mental health concerns and creating a safe space for open communication.

The teachers use case studies and real-world scenarios during morning assemblies and in classrooms to encourage critical thinking and discussions around social issues. This helps students develop empathy and understand different perspectives.

Mutual respect is a cornerstone of any educational institution. We emphasize active communication with all stakeholders.

Q. Can you share an example of a collaborative project or community engagement initiative undertaken by your school that has had a positive impact on student learning and community relations?

To conserve nature and promote Indian culture, very recently Maharaja Agrasen Model School took up a project titled - Panchtatva. This was a six-month-long interdisciplinary project and involved the contribution of management, parents, nearly 800 students and the entire staff. This culminated as a dance-drama taking the main theme of the importance of creation and promotion of the Panchtatva. The importance and necessity of elements in life was depicted beautifully through dialogues. The unique components of creation (Srishti) – air, fire, water, earth and sky – were showcased well by the students. As interdisciplinary learning projects. The harmonious convergence of all performers, resonated with the essence of unity, emphasizing sustainability in today's world. The main objective of this festival was to introduce the students to ancient Indian culture and enable them to know the elements originating in our lives. Apart from academic and intellectual subjects, Indian literature, visual and performing arts, the teachings of the values and ethics were imparted by the project Panchatatva.

Hence, through this interdisciplinary project, the students were inspired to connect to the roots of our ancient rich culture which empowered them with deep knowledge about the heritage and culture of India. The experience left an indelible impression on the young minds, invigorating them to be stewards of the environment and uphold the rich heritage of our motherland.


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