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Water Borne Diseases in Monsoon: Tips to Safeguard Yourself

A thunderous monsoon at the end of a hot and humid summer is always welcomed with open arms. But this cold shower respite from the heat also brings with it a host of diseases especially, water-borne diseases.

EPN Desk 26 September 2019 11:39

waterborne diseases Preventive measures during monsoon

A thunderous monsoon at the end of a hot and humid summer is always welcomed with open arms. But this cold shower respite from the heat also brings with it a host of diseases especially, water-borne diseases.

Water-borne diseases
Water borne diseases.

 Water-borne diseases are caused by a variety of microorganisms, bacteria, and toxic contaminants, which can lead to distressing illnesses like cholera, malaria, dengue, gastroenteritis, typhoid, and leptospirosis. When a climatic change increases the severity and frequency of a precipitation event like rainfall or snowfall, the disease burden from water-borne diseases rises swiftly.

Dr. Prashant Bhatia (MBBS, DPHA, DHA, PGDMLS) clarifies, “Climate change and monsoon are likely to increase incidences of viral fever, gastroenteritis and other water-borne diseases. This is because stagnant monsoon water is a playground for disease-causing microorganisms and drinking water supply can get compromised due to stagnant rainwater. To maintain good health during monsoon, I always urge people to take adequate measures to safeguard their drinking water and to avoid eating at unhygienic restaurants and roadside vendors.”

    Here are some of the precautionary measures that  Dr. Prashant Bhatia recommends


Focus on personal hygiene

Washing hands
wash your hands with running water before and after – eating food, toilet usage, taking medicines and wound care.


Washing hands before eating and after using the restroom, whether at home or away, is the safest way to keep germs from entering your body. Preferably, wash your hands with running water before and after – eating food, toilet usage, taking medicines and wound care. Avoid touching your nose or eyes when riding on public transport and cover your mouth if you have to cough or sneeze.






Drink water from safe sources

water fill at railway station
Don’t Drink water from unsafe sources.


Contaminated and untreated drinking water is the biggest culprit to spread diseases, hence ensure you drink water from reliable sources only. Buy water bottles from reputed companies who follow strict purification procedures and conduct thorough quality tests. Reputed and quality conscious companies follow a multi-step water purification process and subject their water to over 100 quality tests to ensure you get purity in every drop.

  • Locally packed or unbranded water from unknown companies may look “clean” but do not get deceived by their looks. If you are not sure about their safety and purification methods, then do not buy it.



Boiling water is also not enough

Boiling water is not enough
Boiling water is also not enough

boiling water is considered as the gold standard of water purification. Even though it kills bacteria and other harmful microorganisms, it does not remove other inorganic and dissolved components. Moreover, loosely covering the water vessel or matka and dipping a glass directly into it can invite other airborne bacteria defeating the whole purpose of boiling the water in the first place.



Avoid street food

Avoid street food this mansoon
Avoid street food


– No matter how tempting an onion pakora or cutting chai looks on the street cart, avoid street food at all costs. Not only is their source and purity of water questionable, but their preparation method could be unhygienic as well. To quench these enticing cravings, prepare such items at home with clean and purified water. It is always a good idea to eat fresh home cooked meals, avoid eating raw food, and consuming plenty of water. Also, have plenty of fruits, vegetables, and nuts as they boost your immunity during the rainy season.


Fix plumbing leakages at home

Fix plumbing leakages at home
Fix plumbing leakages

– A leaking roof or a wet wall can be a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria and fungus. Also check for leaks in the main water pipeline that provides drinking water to apartment septic tanks. Immediately repair any leakages to avoid contamination of safe drinking water. Look out for water stagnation at home in the receptacles of A/C, coolers, indoor plants, and overhead tanks. Designate one day a week as a ‘dry day’ where all such receptacles are drained off and cleaned.

Monitor the colour and odour of water

Monitor the colour and odour of water
Monitor the colour and odour of water.


– If you suspect the colour of your tap water has changed, then immediately inform your local authorities so that they can check where the contamination is happening. If any contamination is confirmed, then drink only packaged drinking water for few days till the tank is completely cleaned.

Heavy rainfall and the accompanying flood pose a huge threat to the health of the community. To ensure your health and wellbeing, eat a healthy diet and avoid venturing into flood affected areas. Drink safe and clean water from reputed companies and consult a doctor immediately if you feel sick.

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