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MoU Signed Between IIT Roorkee and SamSU to enhance research in Hydrology and Environmental Science

The two agreements include a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote research and collaboration in hydrology, environmental science, sustainable energy, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and a Letter of Intent to create a Joint Master's Degree Program (JMDP).

EPN Desk 23 September 2024 07:17

MoU Signed Between IIT Roorkee and SamSU to enhance research in Hydrology and Environmental Science

Two significant agreements between the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT) Roorkee and Samarkand State University (SamSU) of Uzbekistan have been signed, bolstering academic ties between the two countries.

The two agreements include a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ]promote research and collaboration in hydrology, environmental science, sustainable energy, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and a Letter of Intent to create a Joint Master's Degree Program (JMDP).

Critical worldwide concerns like water scarcity, climate change, and environmental degradation will be addressed by the JMDP, which was developed by the Department of Hydrometeorology at SamSU and the Department of Hydrology at IIT Roorkee.

It will also provide SamSU faculty members and students with enhanced knowledge of sustainability and water resource management modeling.

According to a press release, it will also enable IIT Roorkee to leverage its extensive knowledge and experience to offer practical answers to issues that arise in Uzbekistan's hydrology and related sectors.

Prof. Khalmuradov Rustam Ibragimovich, Rector of SamSU, and Prof. Kamal Kishore Pant, the director of IIT Roorkee signed the agreements.

Prof. Pant addressed the gathering and said the partnership will improve academic quality and have a positive social impact by helping to find sustainable solutions for water and environmental problems.

Prof. Ibragimovich emphasized that the agreements show how dedicated both universities are to tackling urgent climate issues and building a foundation for cutting-edge research and instruction.

Professor Vimal Chandra Srivastava, the Dean of International Relations at IIT Roorkee, was one of the other prominent speakers at the ceremony.

He emphasized the significance of the collaboration in growing IIT Roorkee's global reach and promoting cross-cultural academic Exchanges.

"This partnership sets a benchmark for Indo-Uzbek educational collaborations and is expected to enhance the global standing of both institutions significantly. By addressing global water challenges and climate change, the IIT Roorkee-SamSU partnership paves the way for innovative academic initiatives that will benefit future generations and foster deeper India-Uzbekistan relations," he said.

On the other hand, SAMSU Vice-Rector of International Relations Dr. Muhtor Nasirov expressed excitement about how the partnership could promote collaborative innovations and environmental sustainability worldwide.

Prof. Naveen Navani, Dean of Academic Affairs at IIT Roorkee, remarked that the MoUs will open up new prospects for student and faculty exchanges, research projects, and information sharing.


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