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Learning Agility is the Key to Success for Future Managers: Dr. Urvashi Makkar Director, IMS – Ghaziabad

The time is opportune for India to play a significant role in the global knowledge system and to generate world-class research.

Education Post 03 February 2022 05:54

Learning Agility is the Key to Success for Future Managers: Dr. Urvashi Makkar Director, IMS – Ghaziabad


You have published many books on management and leadership. Which amongst them is your favorite and why?

As an author of numerous books published by reputed publication houses, I find it slightly difficult to respond to this question. It is as if asking a mother….which child you love the most!! Each and every book that I have worked on is painstakingly crafted after in depth study of the prevailing scenario and focuses on some unique and critical aspect which adds value to the field of knowledge. Relevant inputs from experts in the respective domains have been taken at all stages, while preparing the initial content, in between as well as reviewing the final draft.

Still, if I have to pick one particular book, then “Customer Relationship Management”, published by McGraw Hill Education is closest to my heart due to the relevance of its theme. The current competitive post-liberalization scenario has compelled the organizations globally to adopt customer orientation and leave behind the obsolete concept of product focus. No organization can afford to have ‘Marketing Myopia’ at the cost of losing precious customers. It is here that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) plays a definitive part for all organizations. Concepts such as Loyalty Management, Customer Service, Analytical & Operational CRM as well as Role of CRM in Marketing play a major part in working of all organizations. With its illustrative style and extensive coverage of concepts, this book not only provides an insight to CRM but also helps in bridging the gap between the availability of conceptual knowledge in CRM and application of CRM principles in the Corporate Sector.

With over two decades of experience in academia, you have set high standards of performance. What have been the most memorable achievements?

I always believe that as you get going, one must always be conscious to why you’re doing what you’re doing. You need to have a firm conviction about whatever goal you are pursuing and must know what you’re willing to fight for. And then you are all set to showcase your achievement to the entire world. In this context, achievement to me is a very relative and qualitative term!! The definition and meaning of this seemingly simple term varies from one individual to another and is often contextual in nature.

I take pride in my hard earned doctorate degree in Marketing, the prestigious Executive Program in Human Resource Management from IIM Calcutta as well having Leadership Certifications from Harvard University and many others. My selection as the Master Trainer for the globally acclaimed ‘AICTE- UKIERI Master Trainer’s Programme’ under the Technical Education Leadership Development Programme (TELDP) is indeed a matter of great professional satisfaction to me. To elaborate a little more on its significance, the noteworthy UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) started in April 2006 with the aim of enhancing educational linkages between India and the UK, a strategic priority for both the countries. The prestigious project is envisioned to create a pool of Master Trainers from the delegates trained under the TELDP programme. Being elected to the prestigious Council of Management of All India Management Association (AIMA) – the national apex body of the management profession in India as Representative of Corporate/ Institutional Members for the year 2021-2023 has indeed opened up numerous opportunities for me to contribute unflinchingly towards enhancement of management education in India.

At this point, I would like to mention one philosophy, one mantra that I personally try to follow and always tell my students and teammates also to practice. It is “Draw Lines in Sand” from one of the chapters in the international bestseller – “Rework”. The phrase is used in terms of continuously defining and heightening future benchmarks. I consciously try not to limit myself in the boundaries of my past achievements but rather redraw and redefine my goals, my milestones as well as my expectations from myself and justify the trust and responsibility that I shoulder to take IMS Ghaziabad to the pinnacle of excellence.

What are the further goals that you visualize for the IMS to be attained over the next few years?

Carrying forward the glorious legacy of 32 years, at IMS Ghaziabad, the focus is not only to achieve highest standards of academic excellence, but also to achieve highly effective corporate interface backed with multi-dimensional development opportunities. A three pronged strategy with an all-encompassing comprehensive approach towards achieving Academic Excellence, Corporate Readiness and Global Interface is interwoven throughout the PGDM Program.

We have embedded a number of innovative pedagogical tools in our curriculum for inculcating creativity and imagination in students. Novel initiatives such as program for Pre Placement Preparedness, Competency Mapping, Personal and Professional Skills Program (PPSP), Placement Readiness & Enhancement Program (PREP) have been started to enhance the self-belief, confidence, ability & skills of the students in order to make them corporate ready and ace the selection process. The highly skill-oriented Value-Added Certification Programmes (VA-CPs) and Value-Added Short-Term Training Programs (VA- STTPs) delivered under the umbrella of Skill Enhancement & Corporate Readiness (SECR), impart a unique distinctiveness to our pedagogy The Certifications are provided by expert agencies viz. Microsoft, Global Human Resource Development Centre (GHRDC), Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME), Center for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), besides many others. Initiatives like Special Talk Series, Language Lab, Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CIE), Mentoring Program, Mock Interview Series, programs for Students Outreach and Grievance Redressal further support us in our endeavor to develop the students for the corporate settings and sharpening their professional and personal skills.

We are confident that with our innovating pedagogy and stellar placements in numerous A Listed organizations like, Deloitte, Mondelez, Byju’s, Berger Paints, ITC Ltd, Dabur, EY, S&P Global, DTDC, Square Yards, Prism Johnson Ltd., Uniqlo India, Reliance Digital, Aditya Birla Group, Wipro, Mahindra Logistics, Godrej and Boyce, XL Dynamics, WNS, Zomato, Reliance Jio, Uflex Ltd, DHL Supply Chain, Bisleri, Flipkart, Naukri.com and many more, we will consistently fulfill the aspirations of our stakeholders and be better than the best.

How much importance does research acquire in the management courses in India, as compared to other countries?

There is no denying the fact that when it comes to quality research, so far India has not done commendably well. This applies not just to the domain of management education in particular; it is almost the same in all professional courses. Due to the segregation of teaching and research in the country, entire generations of students have graduated from the university system without contributing towards quality and original research. 

However, currently, the time is opportune for India to play a significant role in the global knowledge system and to generate world-class research. Indian professors spread across the globe can contribute to building research capacity by participating in collaborative research and other initiatives. The National Education Policy has also proposed establishing a National Research Foundation which will have significant funds for supporting research in relevant areas.

At IMS Ghaziabad, we promote a strong culture of research both amongst the faculty fraternity as well as the students. To boost research & quality in the system of education, we have signed noteworthy MoUs with national as well as global partners such as MCX, BRICS CCI School of Analysis, CSC Academy, IBM, Northern Illinois University, Fort Hays State University, University of Fredericton, Canada, Jamia Hamdard University, Mata Sundri College of Women, University of Delhi and many more.

What is the scope of enhancing partnership between industry players and colleges, and which fields of study are better suited for such collaboration?

We all are cognizant with the hard fact that all of us are living in a tough world, a world of cut-throat competition, where everyone is striving hard for a successful career. If we closely observe the world of business today, we will find that more than theoretical knowledge, a student is required to have a practical orientation and a global mindset.

At IMS Ghaziabad, we are not leaving a single stone unturned when it comes to supporting our students in their untiring efforts towards enhancing the career prospects and enabling them in getting their dream jobs. The institute is consistently providing Career Counseling, need based education and organization support to its budding managers. Industry Linkage through Seminars, Conferences, Symposiums, Live Projects, Certification and Training Programs, Networking Events, Industry Visits etc. is an essential aspect of our teaching learning pedagogy. A novel initiative- “Special Talk Series” comprising deliberations in five different aspects namely, Global Talk Series, Expert Talk Series, Corporate Talk Series, Alumni Talk Series, Entrepreneurial Talk Series, has also been kick-started. To further broaden the horizons of our students, we have partnered with reputed Global experts to collaborate with us as Adjunct Faculty for relevant subjects.

IMS Ghaziabad has recently launched its flagship training and consulting vertical, Corporate Development and Excellence Center (CDEC) with intent to provide world class training and consulting services to the organizations through customized offerings. We have already signed MoUs with organizations like Habitat, Act 21 and Indo Gulf Management Association for collaborations in critical areas. All these alliances would undoubtedly open the gateway for new vistas of learning for students, faculty, and researchers alike.


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