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Massive thorium reserves are revealed by China's declassified geological survey

According to a Geological Review research, the Bayan Obo mining complex in China's Inner Mongolia region has the potential to generate one million tonnes of thorium

Deeksha Upadhyay 05 March 2025 19:05

Massive thorium reserves are revealed by China's declassified geological survey

A Geological Reviewsurvey estimates thatBayan Obo mining complex in Inner Mongoliaregion of China couldyield 1 million tonnes ofthorium.

One million tonnes of thorium could be produced by the Bayan Obo mining complex in China's Inner Mongolia region, according to a Geological Review survey.

Concerning Thorium

In the Earth's crust, thorium, a radioactive element, is found in trace amounts (roughly 10 parts per million).

Source: The majority of rocks and soils contain trace amounts of thorium, which is more prevalent than uranium.

The rare earth phosphate mineral monazite, which has the highest concentrations in placer deposits, is the most frequent source of thorium.

Deposits: India has the greatest thorium deposits in the world, with 11.93 million tonnes of monazite, which contain 1.07 million tonnes of thorium. Next in line are the United States, Brazil, and Australia.

Properties: It is a soft, ductile, silvery-white heavy metal in its pure form.

The most common form of thorium in nature is thorium-232 (Th-232).

Nuclear reactor fuel: Thorium-232, which is not inherently fissile, must be converted into Uranium-233 (U-233), a fissile element.

Th-232 is irradiated using a fissile driver, such as Plutonium-239 (Pu-239) or U-233, to do this.

Thorium can be used in a variety of reactors, including Fast Neutron Reactors (FNRs), Pressurized (Light) Water Reactors (PWRs), and Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs).

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