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India TB Report 2024: Progress, Challenges, and Strategies

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare's release of the India TB Report 2024 has shed light on both the strides made and the hurdles faced in the fight against Tuberculosis (TB) in the country. Here's a breakdown of the key highlights, challenges, and proposed strategies outlined in the report:

Deeksha Upadhyay 04 April 2024 04:43

India TB Report 2024: Progress, Challenges, and Strategies

India Tuberculosis (TB) Report

Key Highlights of the Report

  • Trends in TB Cases and Deaths: The report indicates a decline in TB mortality rates from 28 per lakh population in 2015 to 23 per lakh population in 2022. However, there's been a notable increase in TB cases reported by the private sector, with nearly 33% of cases in 2023 originating from private healthcare facilities.
  • Challenges in Meeting Targets: Despite ambitious goals to eliminate TB by 2025, India faces challenges in reaching these targets. In 2023, the number of reported cases and deaths fell short of the country's goals, indicating persistent obstacles in TB control efforts.
  • Risk Factors Contributing to TB Incidence: Several risk factors, including undernourishment, HIV, diabetes, alcohol use, and smoking, contribute to TB incidence and treatment outcomes. Notably, a significant portion of TB patients suffer from comorbidities such as diabetes and HIV, exacerbating the disease burden.

Initiatives to Combat TB

  • Global Efforts: The World Health Organization (WHO) spearheads global initiatives like "Find. Treat. All. #EndTB" to combat TB. Additionally, the Global Plan to End TB, 2023-2030, provides a comprehensive strategy for ending TB as a public health threat by 2030.
  • India's Efforts: India has launched various initiatives, including the Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan, National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Elimination (2017-2025), and TB Harega Desh Jeetega Campaign, to accelerate TB control efforts. Moreover, programs like Nikshay Poshan Yojna and RePORT India focus on addressing TB-related challenges through research and community engagement.


The fight against TB in India necessitates a multifaceted approach, encompassing robust healthcare infrastructure, improved diagnostic and treatment services, and targeted interventions addressing social determinants of health. By prioritizing person-centered care, embracing innovation, and addressing systemic barriers, India can overcome the challenges hindering TB elimination and pave the way for a healthier future.


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