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India-Philippines Diplomatic Support Amidst South China Sea Tensions

In light of escalating tensions over the South China Sea, India pledges unwavering support to the Philippines. With diplomatic relations nearing 75 years, this solidarity underscores the enduring partnership between the two nations amidst geopolitical challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.

Deeksha Upadhyay 04 April 2024 05:05

India-Philippines Diplomatic Support Amidst South China Sea Tensions

India-Philippines Diplomatic Support

India's Ministry of External Affairs recently reaffirmed its steadfast backing of the Philippines in safeguarding its national sovereignty amidst escalating tensions with China over the South China Sea. This assertion of support comes as the diplomatic relations between the Philippines and India are set to mark their 75th year in 2024, signifying a pivotal milestone in their enduring partnership.

Understanding the South China Sea Dispute

The South China Sea holds immense strategic significance due to its location and economic importance. Serving as a crucial maritime artery, it facilitates one-third of global shipping, including over 55% of India's trade. The dispute revolves around conflicting territorial claims by countries bordering the sea, primarily China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. China's expansive "nine-dash line" claim, which covers up to 90% of the sea, has heightened tensions as it has aggressively expanded islands and constructed military installations.

Other Maritime Disputes

Beyond the South China Sea, several other water bodies witness territorial disputes, including the East China Sea, Aegean Sea, and Arctic Ocean. These conflicts often involve overlapping claims, resource exploration, and geopolitical maneuvering among countries like China, Japan, Taiwan, Greece, Turkey, the US, Russia, and others.

The Salami Slicing Technique

In maritime disputes, countries employ tactics such as the salami slicing technique to incrementally assert control over disputed areas without direct confrontation. China's actions in the South China Sea, including the construction of artificial islands and imposition of fishing bans, exemplify this strategy, aimed at gradually solidifying control and limiting access for other claimants.

Areas of Cooperation Between India and the Philippines

Despite the complexities of regional geopolitics, India and the Philippines have fostered multifaceted cooperation across various domains. Bilateral trade has surged, with both countries diversifying their trade baskets. India's pharmaceutical exports, including the supply of Covaxin, underscore the burgeoning health and medicine collaboration. Additionally, joint initiatives in science, technology, and defence, such as the BrahMos missile deal, highlight the growing strategic partnership between the two nations.


As tensions in the South China Sea continue to simmer, India's unwavering support for the Philippines underscores the importance of upholding international law and preserving the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. By deepening bilateral cooperation across diverse sectors, India and the Philippines reinforce their commitment to promoting peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.


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