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IIT Bombay Study Shows Role of Mangroves in Mitigating Tsunami, Coastal Flood Impacts

Study shows that emergent coastal vegetation including mangroves is an effective defence system that significantly reduces the Damage caused by tsunami waves to coastal infrastructure

Deeksha Upadhyay 27 February 2025 06:56

 IIT Bombay Study Shows Role of Mangroves in Mitigating Tsunami, Coastal Flood Impacts

Emergent coastal vegetation such as mangroves has been shown to be an effective defense that significantly reduces the damage that tsunami waves do to coastal infrastructure.

Emergent vegetation is aquatic vegetation with roots below the water surface but with stems, leaves, and flowers above the water surface.

About Mangroves Mangroves are emergent trees that create bio-shelters against severe ocean disasters through the reduction of wave forces through their stiff stems, trunks and sturdy submerged roots.


Enhance water quality by removing sediments and nutrients through filtering.

Enhance biodiversity through the nursery, food source and breeding ground for birds, reptiles, mammals, mollusks, prawns and crabs.

Food and livelihood security: protein, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, livestock grazing areas, fuelwood, charcoal and more

Carbon Sink: Mangroves store 394 tons of carbon per hectare on average

By slowing and redirecting storm surges and by attenuating wind and swell waves, coastal protection reduces propagation speeds, inundation depths, and the overall extent of flooding.


• Half of mangrove ecosystems are at risk of collapse, says the IUCN.

• Forest clearing for agriculture and shrimp ponds, coastal development, climate change with associated sea-level rise, and increased frequency of cyclonic storms.

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