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Enhanced Ambulance Services and Awareness Prove Vital in Saving Lives During Pandemic

Enhanced Ambulance Services and Awareness Crucial in Safeguarding Maternal Health During COVID-19: Insights from IIT Madras Study

Deeksha Upadhyay 30 March 2024 02:17

Enhanced Ambulance Services and Awareness Prove Vital in Saving Lives During Pandemic

Ambulance Services Image

A recent study conducted by researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras sheds light on the impact of improved Ambulance services and heightened awareness on maternal healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spanning across the pandemic waves from 2020 to 2022, the study reveals a notable absence of casualties among pregnant women in Tamil Nadu, attributing this success to expanded ambulance services and increased awareness initiatives.

Unlike the United States, where maternal deaths surged during the pandemic years, Tamil Nadu witnessed a starkly different scenario, with no reported maternal casualties despite the challenging circumstances. The study highlights the critical role played by ambulance services in facilitating emergency care, especially during the peak of the pandemic.

Drawing comparisons with other countries like Lesotho, Haiti, Mexico, and Sierra Leone, the researchers underscore the importance of accessible transportation and pharmaceutical supplies in maintaining routine healthcare services. The study emphasizes the need for resilient healthcare systems capable of adapting to crises and ensuring uninterrupted maternal and child healthcare.

Utilizing a hybrid network model, researchers analyzed data from ambulance call centers to track the trends in maternal healthcare demands during different phases of the pandemic. The findings reveal a significant increase in calls for maternal care-related services during the second wave, indicating the heightened need for emergency assistance.

Furthermore, the study highlights the effectiveness of expanded ambulance services during the second wave, coupled with improved healthcare delivery. Inter-facility transfers saw a notable rise, reflecting the agility of the healthcare system in responding to evolving needs.

Looking ahead, the researchers advocate for leveraging these insights to bolster public health strategies and government interventions in maternal and child healthcare. By harnessing the lessons learned from the pandemic, policymakers can develop robust frameworks to ensure the resilience of healthcare systems in the face of future crises.

The findings of this study not only underscore the importance of timely access to emergency services but also underscore the transformative impact of increased awareness initiatives in safeguarding maternal and child health during unprecedented times.


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